Does blizzard announced what will happen to all our friend in SL after SL ends. Lore-wise. We just repair the veil and that is it? We never meet our SL friends ever again?
yup something like that which is unfortunate because we got here because story is half written and basically not even finished before the release
I wonder did blizzard even remember that that have entire Torghast tower full of souls of important story characters - what will happen to them? Jailer have at very least the soul (half of soul??) of last High Elf’s King, for example.
Shhhh. Don’t worry about it. We will probably get them as an allied race a few expansions down the line when the winterqueen becomes light hitler and forces a bunch of them through a temp portal.
Other than that, nope all dead, all gone. Maybe you can talk to them through a soulphone later down the line. Or visit them when you farm their raids for mogs.
Light Hitler is Yrel. Winter queen will be Life Hitler. Because everything was good in the “old universe” will become evil.
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