Talking about Havoc but works for Vengeance too.
Spamming Demon Bite + Chaos Strike with the occasional Blade Dance/Eye Beam… I mean not only for stopping DH haters but for ourselves, could we get different spenders or something ?
I miss the days with my BC rogue where I could use like 4-5 different spenders depending on the situation (mostly used 2 but others were there and useful)
I actually like the DH gameplay right now. It’s the most fun I’ve had on a class in a while. Sure we could have a situational spender or something, but I’m not really missing anything.
Pressing 2 buttons? No thanks. This is Vanilla tier.
A-B-C champ?
You like?
Played one like a few months ago, still did not recover all the brain cells ive lost back then.
At least i can see people being realistic!
I’m just saying that I like it, and I’m fine with you guys not liking it.
I enjoy DH the most in m+ because I have buttons for lots of different situations:
I press DB and CS/Anni a lot, the two buttons you’re mentioning, but I also press other buttons a lot. Like Blade Dance/Death Sweep, Eye Beam, Immolation Aura, Fel Eruption, Chaos Nova, Vengeful Retreat, Throw Glaive, Fel Rush, Consume Magic and Imprison. I just very much enjoy this gameplay.
Now many of these might not be part of the active rotation, but there’s uses for them so often that they make the gameplay more engaging to me.
I don’t think you’ll find a lot of people who are happy with DH’s rotation. I nearly developed Carpal Tunnel playing as one. Spamming 2 keys for 99% of the fight is just bad.
Well as it seems there is one up there lol
Im 100% sure the others are purely ashamed to admit it xD
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I think this subject has been brought up many times but Blizzard doesn’t change anything since Legion.
I like the theme of the class and worked a lot on it after leaving my rogue who did not felt as good as TBC/WotLK. So you won’t see them stopping unless they stop the game itself (which I did at a time).
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With the shadowlands nerfs I could use Fel Barrage as baseline.
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Demon hunters nerfs are you dumb? they got a mobility increase and they have a mortal strike affect now LOL they buffed demon hunters
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I saw your other post too.
If you think you can bait me with your trolling you are sorely mistaken.
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Dh buffed go check wowhead unless you are trolling me by pretending to be retarded
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dH gOt bUfFeD i hAvE mY sOuRcEs aNd tHeY aRe bEtTeR tHaN yOu dH mAiN
insert poogers emote here
Maybe casuals shouldn’t be allowed to discuss class balancing.
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Honestly I’m still wondering if it’s just mindless sheep mentality at this point. So many hate threads for a class you can disable with simple slows/snares. So much for mobility. Worst is, 99% of the time they don’t even bother to play or understand the abilities before complaining about them. Ignorant af.
But a CoS/Vanish/Bubble is fine, netherwalk is op even if you can’t attack while in this state lol.
PvP ladders, some demon hunters, lots of monks and priests. Nothing crazy.
But DH OP.
I remember when DK was indeed OP, es glad with the ladders in every bracket filled with DKs and Paladins. That was something.
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DHs is suppose to be a simple spec. I don’t get this post, it’s not like they’ve been suddenly turned into a simple spec. Play a different class if you want a more complicated rotation.
There is simple and dumbed down, not the same, none of the other class are complex either. At most you get 1 to 2 more keybinds to push.
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Well thats exagerating.
I’ve heard this arguement before and I’m too new too say otherwise. Given the amount of keybind you can use in m+ on specs like druids, hunters and shammies I do wonder if this is rose tinted glasses. It would be interesting to log into wraith or pandaland and see how complex it really is.
It’s not always as simple as it seems either. Basic rotation for fire mage is 3 buttons but to use your cd properly you have to use your first trinket 17secs prior (and your usually on orders to use it at certain times), then lucid, rune (stay in rune, fire blast during rune), meteor, combust + trinket, then use spells in that order.
Aswell as that there’s a lot you have to know about ignite to get the best dmg out of it, something as simple as changing targets costs you dps. The different between a top fire mage and a average fire mage is huge (im average btw).
How are your parses? Maybe there’s more to your spec than you realise.
Oh wow, are you telling us your opener?
I can tell you ours then: -2s Immolation aura/ -1s pre pot/ 0s fel rush into demons bite into eyebeam into azerite golem into blade dance into meta into blade into Chaos strikes
All that happens the first 3(5) second.
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I wasn’t talking about dh specificly, I was saying specs can have more to them than people think because there’s bits they may not know. For example if you immo a bit earlier, build up some fury and then stand within 20 yards you can eye beam at 1 second on the pull timer and save yourself a gcd.
By that logic we would be pooling fury long before pull by spamming immolation aura, except it doesn’t work because your fury gets capped on the boss pull, to 25 fury. Which is less than the cost of an eye beam. There’s no way to eye beam the first GCD of a (raid) boss pull.
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