Lionsguard is a newly formed guild looking to raid and push keys going into Shadowlands.
We are looking for members both to join our raid roster but also to help build our community as we aim to be a place where people of all experience levels are welcome.
Regarding raiding we currently are looking at 1 night a week at the moment (subject to change as we gain more members) and progress through Normal and Heroic. Not looking for any specific roles as we are still building our team and have a few flexible raiders, so you are welcome to play what you want.
We also plan on running M+ dungeons most nights (whenever enough people are free) both for fun and to push higher keys. If you want to run some M+ give a shout in the guild discord and you will more than likely get a group formed in no time.
Our aim at Lionguard is to provide a fun and friendly environment for people to hang out and make some new friends, so there is no pressure to participate in any content you are not interested in as we know not everything is everyone’s cup of tea.
If you are interested in joining our guild or just want some more information then leave a comment below or shoot me a message at SaltShaker#21837 on battlenet or Lelanari in game.
Alternatively message Paxo#2870 or Perrinaybara in game