Before we get to the meat of my post a small foreword. First of all sorry for making multiple posts in your forum I hope this to be the last. Secondly I wont be playing this character on a RP server I only say because its a Laughing Skull and I have learnt they are none to popular among your community.
So I have been toying with making a Laughing Skull Orc I made a post asking for help with lore on them previously. I have come up with an origin story of a Laughing Skull DK and I would like to know If it would stick among the RP community as my understanding is you are very knowledgeable with the lore and what is and is not really possible.
My idea is this I was thinking of making a DK but having him be a Mag’har LS that was raised during/Just after the legion campaign. His reasoning for the raising is because he was a truly Mighty warrior that laughed more than most and he felt the ultimate Laugh would to be raised from the dead and hunt down that what killed him. The Ebon Blade who are now creating new DK’s thought he would be a good addition to the group so agreed. The skulls would be happy because they have regained a predominant member of the clan.
There is more to my charter however im just focused on the origin story at the moment and have no wish to bore you with excessive details.
Can’t say I can approve of a laughing skull death knight.
There are no clans anymore officially on our universe and AU orcs didn’t come to Azeroth until after the Legion’s invasion. So timelines don’t match up.
Additionally, death knights don’t really get a choice to be raised or not. You don’t just go to the Lich King and audition to be a death knight.
So you don’t need to think of a reason for why he “wanted” to be raised.
And most importantly, if you’re not even going to RP the character, why bother making a story for him?
Ah I thought the Mag’har orcs came over in the closing period of the war against the legion.
I was under the impression that Bolvar had given the Ebon blade the power to raise whoever they wish and he was removed from the process as in the legion DK campaign you can create new DK’s. I dont see why If he wanted to be raised and he was a suitable subject this couldn’t happen.
As for the back story I dont RP but I always create a small story behind the chars I make to give them a little flavor.
Your statement on “No clans anymore” is somewhat incorrect.
There was a lost generation of orcs, and clan identity took a large blow, but there are still orcs who identify as Blackrock, Warsong, Frostwolf, Dragonmaw, Blacktooth Grin, Burning Blade.
But I do agree with the rest of what you’re saying, just making sure to cut any strange headcanon at the root.
Yeah, I’m not as sharp on orc lore as I am on things I do RP extensively.
What I meant, was that the Horde identity largely took over the clan identities that the orcs had before Thrall’s Horde was formed.
So every orc wouldn’t really specifically distinguish themselves as part of this or that clan. They live together, under one banner, pretty much.
So clan identity becomes unnecessary.
Sure, some orcs may still think of themselves as a member of one particular clan, and there are clans who hadn’t joined the Horde, but the former would be mostly meaningless and the latter, you probably won’t RP.