A little lore-quest help for WoW Classic

Hello again fellow Azerothians,

I started playing WoW from the 2nd patch of Cataclysm. Although way back, I played WC3 and I became an instant fan of the lore. The tragedy of Lorderon, Uther, Arthas and Sylvanas due to the Scourge, the exodus and subsequent rise of the new Horde (and my undying love for the faction for being a very misunderstood group of races - sorry Alliance), the leadership of Thrall, the united might of the Kaldorei, Alliance and Horde against the Burning Legion, the awesomeness of Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage, the hunt of Maiev Shadowsong, the crowning of Arthas as the new Lich King and on and on and on…

Sadly when warcraft went online, I lived in a country where broadband connection was still a fantasy at the time so I didnt have access to WoW vanilla and so by the time I got to experience WoW during Cataclysm, I have missed most of the connecting lore based quests that continued from WC3 as the entire game was re-done and many old quests were removed.

So, as I venture into classic WoW at present, I would like to ask the community to please kindly provide me the list of questlines that seems to be a major continuation from what was left off from WC3, so that I can experience the lore I have missed.

Thank you so much in advance :slight_smile:

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Wrath is the first expansion to really do story well. TBC and Vanilla most stories of consequence were the attunement lines and those could be a bit… questionable to put it lightly.


there bits and pieces in many of the quests mostly in the plaguelands and some felwood and winterspring

it get real interesting when you come to northrend because the quests are more linear and makes it easier to follow storyline

lich king even appears in front of you multiple times as you level

best expansion by far gameplay and storywise

not sure about what questlines to be exact but you will run into them eventually because its recommended to do main storylines in each zone because it plays to the strength of story


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