A long out of date apology!

I used to frequent these forums a long time ago. On various alts, Korkrag, Kubluku, Raemia, Ninaryu, etcetera.
In my past, I’ve been very angry and childish, sometimes amicable, but for the most part, well, a drongo.
I came out as trans last year, and since doing so have been a lot more level headed. Apparently blocking out a major part of your personality has negative effects!

So I would like to apologise to everyone who frequents these forums that I’ve had arguments with. I don’t remember all your names unfortunately, I remember arguing with Cathrion occasionally.

Regardless of whatever arguments I had, I’m taking the blame for -ALL- of them. And would like to extend a peach branch (I don’t like Olives)
I’ll also turn on the kettle! :heart:

You don’t have to accept my apology, it’s entirely up to you, just know that regardless, I am sorry for having been nasty in the past.

List of alts: (Scroll, there’s… well… there’s a lot of them, a LOT… a LOOOOOOOOOT!)


I remember some of those names at any rate. Water under the bridge imo, all that drama is forever ago and holding a grudge over some forum posts is just silly. So with that, welcome back :slight_smile:

As I see you already noticed in the general RP chat thread though, unfortunately the forums have died out a fair bit. BfA killed the interest a lot of RPers had, and I don’t think Shadowlands has done much to improve that :frowning:


I remember your name too :heart:.
Was also a discord group. Regardless, grudges or no grudges, I still like to apologise. =D Better to start off on a friendly note, than worry about whether people hate me or not.

Yeah, I recently took 4 months off WoW, BFA burnout, Shadowlands is… meh… I go on now and then. Was hoping the forums might spurr me back into it.


also, can’t believe I missed this (I admit I glanced over the post, it’s 5AM and I haven’t slept yet :P) More trans people on here? Hell yeah :purple_heart:

I personally quit early BfA to play FFXIV with some friends and didn’t return till a couple months before Shadowlands. Nowadays I kinda juggle the two back and forth. WoW just can’t keep my interest as much as it used to anymore really.

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I was told not to be so open about it, because there’d be trolls and nasty people.
But so far the only nasty people have been hilarious. I’m MTF, and one guy on youtube said to me, after raging about trans people, “You’re a woman and you always will be!”… Well… Thank you, I agree. XD

I tried to play FF14, but forgot my password, then didn’t know my security question, still waiting on support to get back to me. Groan! Who still uses security questions?
And yeah, I mostly still go on WoW because I love my characters and my friends, but I don’t love the game anymore, and that’s the main issue!


I’m MtF myself, used to worry about the same thing until a couple years ago where a forum thread about a LGBT-friendly guild led to me speaking up. I’ve just rolled with it since and haven’t made a point to hide it. If people wanna troll, whatever. I’m happy while they have nothing better to do :slight_smile:

Also ooooooof. Yeah as much as I love FFXIV their customer support is notoriously bad with these things.

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I’ve only been out as trans for a year, technically longer, but started denying it and bottling it up around the age of 18 (Also about the time I started drinking, needing anti depressants, attempting to end my life, you know… I think there might be more than a coincidence here!)
I recently started HRT, obtained through private practice, the NHS is quite slow! Sides, I’d rather pay for the HRT, NHS has enough issues without worrying about keeping me in medication that I can afford. =D

Yeah, I’m hoping it’ll go well, I’d really like to play the game again, if nothing else, I just want to try it out for a while. If it doesn’t go well, I might go back to ESO and see if the infinite loading screens from when I last played that one, have gone away. That’d be nice!

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People are allowed to change and apologise for their past behaviour. Keep being your best self, comfortable and happy.


Welcome “back”, and I wash you (that was supposed to be ‘wish you’, but I appreciate a funny typo:) the best of luck with everything! I agree that we humans are probably our best self when we can be our whole self :slightly_smiling_face:

I never had any issues with you, but then, if I were trans, I think I might be Miss Congeniality :grin: and as was pointed out above, holding grudges is almost like holding something highly radioactive; it hurts both yourself and the people around you. :v: :peace_symbol:


I often leave typos in if I think they’re funny, maybe fate is urging me to say something else. XD

I’m not sure who all I had issues with, it’s even possible I imagined the majority of them, as depression tends to cause sometimes. But I’m glad to have you here! :heart:


Well maybe my AD vulpera will meet you one day!

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Be open about it. No need to hide and the nasty ones are better to be ignored. Attention just feeds them.

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