Hey there!
First off, thanks for taking the time to read this, as it says on the Title, I am currently looking for a Late Night Guild for Shadowlands to get into Raiding with, as my work schedule has changed since I have last been raiding, meaning I can’t do it with my old guild.
Now, a little bit about me. I’m a chill, 23 year old guy from Germany and have been playing WoW on and off for the last ~10 Years. My last bigger break has been from just after the release of Uldir until a few weeks ago, which was when I decided to level up this Warrior, and enjoyed it so much that I made it my main.
Currently I have 437 Gear for all Specs (though I still need a LOT of practice tanking). I also have a 435 Geared Demon Hunter and a 410 Holy Paladin, as well as an ungeared Rogue, Mage and Hunter, all of which I will be also capping in Shadowlands, and will play if required for the Raid.
As for my Raid experience, due to my pause for the majority of BfA, I have only gotten 2/8 Mythic Uldir, but I certainly have the ambition to push for Mythic Raiding in Shadowlands.
Now, for the most important part, my preferred Raid times!
Those are quite simple really.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 11pm-3am Server Time is when I will be around for Raids!
I currently play on the Realm Argent Dawn, but I would not mind changing Realms for a cool guild.
If you have any further questions or wanna hit me up for recruiting, you can find me on Discord or BNet
Discord: DrTriForce#5720
BNet: Qutut#1544