[A] Looking for a mature casual guild Wotlk classic


I’m gonna start a new character on the server to play the upcoming wotlk classic. I’m looking for a guild that has a chill group, mostly casual but i’m interested in clearing content.

My background on World of warcraft began on early vanilla, became semi hardcore in TBC , was playing on the 3rd best guild of the server and we always tried to keep up with the challenge but we were also very friendly to each other, felt like a family back then. I stopped playing that way around when they nerfed the bosses 30% health or so, we were about to down Brutallus and this happened and I immediately didn’t wanna continue as it became way too easy.

After that i’ve played casually, had to focus on real life things, came back to cataclysm to focus on PvP, went to 2200 rating back then with a Ret pally / fire mage comp. Next expansions I just played casually, didn’t even raid properly.

I’ve been playing Shadowlands with some breaks because the game isn’t too exciting currently, made KSM first 2 seasons but just couldn’t be bothered with these last 2.

I’ve played paladin all expansions with the exception of classic which I played druid and quit right after BWL. I didn’t transition to TBC mostly because of how the game evolved, particularly GDKP.

This brings me to which type of guild im looking for. I’m looking for a guild that doesn’t run GDKP. I’m sure most people enjoy that way of playing, I don’t. I want a guild that has a normal way of getting loot, either by loot council or some other system. I don’t have that much time to farm lots of gold or to just buy it somewhere. I also think that creates a more connected group towards reaching the same goal. I’m not criticizing GDKP’s, people can play how they want but i’m sure there are still normal guilds at this point.


I’m looking for a mature guild, with solid leadership but a relaxed mentality about the game, i’m going to be a father by the end of the year and I just want another shot to experience the great expansion WOTLK was.

I haven’t decided what class to play, but i’m leaning towards Paladin or a Death Knight. I also have a 68 druid which I might transfer to the server.

Thanks for your time, DM me if you want.

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