[A] Looking for a permanent team for RBG's for good humor, fun and raiting!

Hi guys,
I had last played at the end of last year, but unfortunately had to stop prematurely because work life has no consideration^^
Have now more time again and would like to start a bit as Retri through^^

My focus was on arena even if not long but still it was enough for a rating of 2k and in RBG 1.6k but I only took part in the beginning to get gear or my mate was off^^ So RBGs means I never played for rating, but with random people and just to have fun^^

I just became lvl 60 yesterday and now farm diligently gear, but that should be the smallest problem^^

If someone wants to build a group or already has one, feel free to write me, I’m motivated and would like to have fun playing together!

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