Guild Name: Malleus Maleficarum
GM & Officers: Morqueatus, Unluckerpro, Fivefires/Fivebeers, Moml/Momll
Who are we? Socially oriented guild (active since MoP) with focus on enjoyment of the W/PvP content. We do WPvP events such as raids on Orgrimmar or fights in the open world . There are also enough opportunities to participate in regular PvP such as running random bgs with guildies, playing arenas or participating in guild arena tournaments as well as rbgs (currently not) from time to time. When it comes to PvE content, we mostly do M+ dungeons or island expeditions . No organized raiding around - only casual normal runs for achievements or to help low geared members to catch up.
Who are we looking for? Mature and friendly players who enjoy company of other people and are not afraid of having Horde blood on their hands! People who are willing to contribute to a nice social guild environment and are seeking long-term guild are especially welcome. Tryharding is all fine as long as you don’t bully others for not being no-lifing enough!
Who are we NOT looking for? Haters, griefers, people who will join only to leave after a week or two…
PS: We also seek a few more heroes who would like to clear normal Battle for Dazar’alor raid with us once it is out!