Hi all and Welcome
Midnight Train are recruiting now for Shadowlands Raiding and for our Mythic plus teams
We are a late night raiding guild, our hours tend to fit around people who work or have families and cant commit to the usual raiding hours. We are a very social guild with a very active guild discord, be it raid nights, Mythic + Push team or just chilling out whilst doing dailies etc you will generally find people hanging out in there.
We have a 0 Toxicity policy so anyone displaying any kind of a toxic atmosphere will be removed, if that’s you then you need not apply.
We are looking for people who want to push there character onto the next level and are looking to maximize there potential. We are looking for the type of person who looks to min/max there character, who analyses there logs (we will do this also) and learns from there mistakes.
We will be getting CE in SL that is my expectation.
For raiding we are recruiting the following:
All Specs For raiding
Exceptional applicants of any class will be considered
We have teams who focus heavily on Mythic plus so if thats your thing then we will have players who you will be able to play with so no need for pugging any keys, or if its just your weekly 15 your after, we have players happy to help!
Our raid times are Wed/Thu/Sun 22:00 - 01:00 server. 9 Hours per week. We will be raiding at a solid pace and we expect people who join to be ready for every raid and be optimised. Invites are out at 21:45, we pull 22:00 Sharp.
all exceptional players will be considered of any spec/class.
All Mythic + Applicants will be considered, we have players running high keys “21/22s” aiming to push higher and players who enjoy running 15s/18s.
To apply please head over to our Discord where you will be guided through the application:
Good luck and hope to speak to you soon!