[A] [Mirage Raceway] < Muscle Dwarves > LF Raiders for FL 25 man 7/7 Normal 2/7 HC

We are a Diverse and inclusive community, predominatly comprising mature and seasoned players; IRL and in-game friends, playing together for several expansions of classic now. We even have our own merchandise, with all profits going to charity.

Our expectations:
We are a very chill group with a good sense of humour
Inclusive and accepting; we have a zero policy towards sexism, racism or bigotry of any kind.
You know how to play your class and crucially; aren’t a dick.
Be able to take constructive criticism.
You come to raid prepared, meaning have done some research on tactics, have gear gemmed and enchanted, with consumables, etc.

Currently recruiting
Caster Dps
Mage - High
Lock - High

Shammy - High
Druid - High

Loot Council

7/7 25m 2/7 Hc 25m

Raid Times:
Main Raids - Thursdays & Tuesdays (when progressing), 20:00 - 23:00 ST.

Contact Us

Battle tag: Trixiz#21573
Discord critz

Who - (Ihideuseek)
Discord: novazfuryz

1 Like

Starts with “inclusive and accepting” and continues with “zero policies” and a rather long list of requirements :slight_smile: