I don’t have to farm M+ to do a roleplay. For me it’s enough to kill the boss once. I don’t enjoy farming it every week.
Also how is M+ and 4 raid difficulty levels RP? You don’t go to boss and say. “Yo dude, could you go easier on us? Jus drop weaker dress for our mage instead” but you fight it. Raiding and M+ farming isn’t RP either.
Also it’s World of WARcraft. It’s all about war between Horde and Alliance.
i get what u saying but do people not know what rpg means it just means role playing game not role playing as something like dungeons and dragons i mean u play a role of a shaman that is your role in this game u r playing that is what i mean by rpg and i get what u saying about M+ i dont like it but with pvp it should not give u better gear than normal mode the only way it should give u gear is when u r doing high rated pvp not random bgs
Of course but it can’t be that you can do easy PvE content at the same time and get 10-20 ilvl higher gear because noone will play bgs. I will obviously get some high end arena gear as arenas are my main content in this but I don’t want bgs to be irrelevant for another 2 years. In Legion at least people played them to unlock all PvP talents but since then there literally no reason to go there.
I was also defending players who play this game for bgs but don’t push any ratings.
The real problem is that when you unlock some upgrades for honor gear from your Covenant there will be already way better M+ gear available. Noone wants BG gear to be on par with Mythic raiding or Elite PvP gear.
What about all the people that don’t enjoy arena(or PvE) but do I like battlegrounds? The RBG scene is dead, hardly any groups EVER so thats a no go… and IF by chance you do get a pug you’ll face some high rated team and lose anyway.
There should be a way to progress and get better gear even for casual battleground players, they deserve it just as much as every other player but they get forgotten and ignored every time.
And it’s not like those players are saying we want super high ilvl gear for doing a battleground or two. They’re saying something along the lines of give us the chance to earn high level gear by doing 500 battlegrounds as opposed to getting 2400 rating.
And I say why not? If you’re dedicated enough you do deserve to be rewarded for it instead of locking everything away behind rating. Those gladiators still get their elite gladiator looks and mounts, which is fine! We’re just talking gear here.
OR! Just give us the rated solo queue option we’ve been wanting since like forever.
But right now it’s looking like we’re going to have to do close to 400 something battlegrounds for gear that isn’t even worth the effort. Which is a ridiculous decision by Blizzard to say the least.
Yeah but weekly chest is between all the content you do, so if you primarily lets say for this example raid: the odds are the best item from the vault is also going to be from raid.
But if this gearing will stay as it is it means BGs are irrelevant for the second expansion in a row. In Legion at least players had to get 50 honor lvl
The problem is that every spec uses different Covenant and Conduits for both PvE and PvP. It means you go for optimal PvP one - you will be declined in M+ groups if you go for PvE optimal you may lack defencives. It’s not good for the game.
I have grown to hate dungeons and raids and in bfa only way to gear my character was to do boring butt WQ’s because in their infinite wisdom they don’t want us to have olden style pvp vendors.
Same with arena, u supposed 2 make friends and play against other players that made friends. Same with bg 40 friends that play a pvp scenario against other players.
Wtf is hard to understand.
What a silly panda you are My best friends are my arena mates, I generally cut contact with PvE friends after a while because they are generally shallow ones but friendships made in arena are much more solid and not fragile unlike friendships made in PvE. This is where we make friends.
Regarding the inequality between gear rewards of PvP and PvE… Random battlegrounds are already disgusting and something that I boycott because of mercenary mode so it is not a problem for me if max iLvL reward you can get is 197 iLvL which is equal to M+6 iLvL item but rated PvP needs to be on par with Heroic and Mythic raid iLvL gear 1800-2100 rating is more difficult than Heroic raiding I can assure you, because I could Heroic raid without any addon or watching guides.
Briefly Rated PvP rewards need some love because PvE is much more easy compared to PvP, excluding Mythic mode of course.
I will be following the news to see if I can rival against PvE items in arena by playing only PvP, if I won’t have that opportunity then I’ll start getting those emails they send to inactive players “Hey there Gekko! Come back we have bla and bla this patch, Azeroth needs you!”…
I know we have some vocal people who enjoy to relish in being able to outgear PvP players easily. But that’s just a vocal minority.
Most of us want PvP players to be able to equally enjoy the game and have a better system … people quitting the game doesn’t benefit any of us
Blizzard really need to rethink their plans with this.
Gear > skill has always been kinda a myth
At the end of the day Ur gear will carry you so far, but your gonna end up among the players equally geared to you very quickly… which then puts these players on a level playing field…
Gears only gonna win til you reach a certain catagory of players
And that has always been in the game, if you took a elite geared PvP character back in wraith you’d absolutely run through players who were less geared you
But you’d by the time of having that gear prolly be among the other players also wearing that gear.
PVP gear back in the day always outdone PVE gear back in the day.
What you are implying is an MMR type system. Chances are high that at a certain point you was going to be facing people with simialr gear adn tahts when skilll comes into much bigger factor only. Not before that.
Well yes but u could argue this on multiple degrees
For example if your playing the right classes PvP can become easier
It takes less skill to perform against worst opponants.
Effectively PvP is only as hard as the enemy team make it. And even then you can break down comps and more which would all give you a advantage which overall can make the game easier.
It’s the nature of a mmorpg. And on any system unless they scale everyone to the same gear upon entering arena
In my opinion I think there are better ways of handling it as I stated in another thread.
For example.
If they disabled borrowed powers and trinkets from PvE and then had a base set of armour which everyone used in PvP. You could then implement a progression system onto it
For example:
Every 10 levels gained on the armour = a tier set like bonus which enhances your abilities in PvP environments.
Then implement a talent tree which has 7 rows of 3 options which you unlock through PvP exp.
Then implement some cool PvP trinkets.
You would eliminate the pve overgearing as it wouldn’t function in PvP environments. But at the same time everyone gets this base set of armour so it keeps the barrier entry low.
Providing this wasn’t a infinite grind aswell and worked off a weekly reward, it wouldn’t be time consuming for the casual player. And doesn’t require any PvP scaling at all to implement.
This would likely be imho the best fix to the situation while retaining blizzards want to conjoin all modes of the game cohesively while at the same time offering a pure progression path in a PvP enviroment for the players demanding it.
It’d atleast at minimum be a compromise realistically.
RBG matchmaking this expansion was horrible, probably down to the low level of people queueing though like you say. My team was 1.7 mmr matched against a 2.2 mmr. Like, what.
I’d love to see a revival in this bracket, RBGs are probably my favourite things to do. It’s sad seeing teams who could give it a good go if they had access to a PvP set available die to teams with all BiS PvE gear. I don’t think 15+ gear should be obsolete in PvP but I also don’t think it should be hitting as hard as it is.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed dipping my toes into mythics this expansion. I just think in a PvP environment PvP gear should be king.
Really don’t understand why they felt a change was needed from the systems they had in place in MoP/WoD. Sets easy to obtain, the challenge was the conquest gear. But at least in an honor set you stood a chance.