A moment of silence for PvP players

I dont even know what was wrong with MoP design .

I like pvp bgs as a casual , were my go to since i dont raid and dont push m+ stuff . It is fun to .

Working on honor to get geat was quite fun and with each piece i could see how i was doing better . ( once a blue moon i was geting a conquest item and was nice)

I dont find pvp as a side activity , is quite nice and if they keep “shooing” away players is not right .


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the real issue is that M+ is in the game and the fact it ‘‘has’’ to be a competitive form of end game gear progression for the only M+ers and so random BG and arena skirmish gear can’t be good or it’ll invalidate M+.

Yeah, it’s pretty terrible.

People should be able to level to max, then just keep queuing BGs and be geared for BGs that way, with at most some daily quests as a requirement.

We used to be able to have that in WoD as well as in Cata / MoP, sans some highest-level raid gear craziness. We have not been able to do that in Legion and in BFA. That killed participation and made a lot of players unsub. Sadly, Shadowlands continue in the same vein. Well, that just means PVP is going to stay in the grave.

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Ah yes, a mature and an objectively correct reaction to a differing opinion.

I do! A lot more than I used to. That said, I barely play either, PvP or PvE anymore as I’m now a filthy casual with not so much time to play. Thank you for your concern.

100% agree with OP.

This thread is hilarious.

Precisely, Legion is when I stopped participating in PvP, rated Arena or casual BGs.
I don’t see me returning to it anytime soon in its current form.

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while i agree pvp gearing needs to be better , but idk if spending honor like that would be good. It would promote afking in bgs to get such said honor. I would personally rather see a personal rating/profile, even for random unrated bgs.

Wich records some different stats and is able to reward them on it. Like leading in certain stats on the board in bgs/arenas. Amount of bgs played and bgs won. Allowing a bit more rewards for people who play more often.

And perhaps also the leaving stat could added, wich would put you in a bracket with other leavers for a while if you leave too often

I thinka more personal profile/rating everywhere in pvp would promote afking less than paying just with honor

You were always a causal dude. And you rarely even play bgs…

I can see your point. Maybe they could invest time back into rated BGs as a way of gearing. So whilst in normal BGs you can still earn honor, its more worth while doing rated BGs for more honor and conquest points come from rated arena. So you can upgrade your conquest gear with a rating in BGs or arena.

Normal BGs are a more of fun aspect of the game, whilst still able to work toward the gear. But rated BGs give you a lot more honor to get gear faster. A normal BG might give 200 for a win, but a rated game give 500. So no matter what rating you are, in a rated BG you know everyone will be playing to win and not just afking.

rated should ofcourse give the best gear and more honor and conquest. but rated pvp ( outside of arenas, i dislike arena) is not that very active. Still having some sort of rating even in random bgs should atleast be able to set you on your way to actual rated pvp gearing wise. Actually being able to grind them trough pvp if you got the time. And like i said also to possibly punish players and discourage them from leaving or afking often would be nice. Random bgs are infested with those, often within the first 5 minutes without barely trying

Nope, you’re wrong. Heroic gear is 3 item levels higher. So spamming m+ does not give you gear equal to Heroic. It’s worse.

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What I liked in old PvP gearing was that since Cata no matter what your rating was you had the same gear (with few exceptions - Dragon Soul items and legendary staff) and it was fair. The best players in the ladder were the best. People in bgs had the same chances due to the same gear so the only thing that mattered was if they played well.

Even <1550 rated casual could have full conquest gear and have fun in bgs. Nowadays it’s bunch of mythic+ and raid farmers outgearing everyone bullying kids in bgs. Some of them are also terrorizing ladder. I remember playing vs 2 Unh DKs + R Sham in S2. Both had Opulence tank trinket, Trident, Gloves and all 3 had Voidstone. This made me felt powerless. No matter what I did their HP bars didn’t move.

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WOD System worked fairly well.

PvP gear gets boosted in iLvl, PvE gear gets nerfed, when you enter a PvP Instance.


Well when Blizzard introduced templates and pvp was entirely skill based, everyone complained. I do agree that bis gear for pvp should be acquired from pvp, but I find a system were still is the only factor to be and even better system. If you are a good player you win. If you suck, you lose. No more bad players getting carried from good gear. But I guess everyone wants free wins, as long as he is the one winning…

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Like it even matters? We are talking about honor gear being terrible, timegated and not comparable.

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Thank you for your (wrong) assessment of how I play the game. What would we do without you.

Oh, mister snowflake got hurt because someone told him that he was always a casual.

Anyway… I think that some people defend current gearing process because they can quickly reroll to fotm spec that has the most benefit from broken PvE items. Then they just can farm these items and steamroll smashing their keyboard with their head still owning others.

Ah yes, how dare I defend myself against unfounded lies! That’s absolutely unheard of, UNHEARD OF I TELL YOU!

Dude check your PvP achievments (I’m not even mentioning arena but bgs and everything else) you barely play PvP. You are casual PvPer and you were since.