A moment of silence for PvP players

Ah! But of course the achievements! The bastion of human knowledge! Some say the Universe’s deepest secrets are contained among those sacred pages.

The ranking for most information in one place pretty much goes: (from least to most)
4: Literally God
3: The library of Alexandria
2: Neil DeGrasse Tyson
1: Wow achievements

How could I have been so blind? The answers were there all along!

Your honor lvl is 20 dude… Please…

Yes. Back in the day there was no such thing as Honor level.

THen your achievments show you didn’t play PvP much. You have 3000 honorable kills on this char. I have 8000 on this one and I didn’t even play whole expansion on it.

Ah, but the book! The holy book!

I’ll remind you that what achievments do is recording your gameplay since early Wrath. If you played PvP a lot then it would record it. You didn’t so it’s not recorded. It’s not opinion making it’s static facts.

*Unless I earned them in a way the achievements wouldn’t pick up

Where’s your god now?

There is no way to earn it without achievments showing them up. The only way to do it was playing in TBC but TBC is just 1 expansion. Stop tripping in your imagined world. You’re casual PvP player - deal with it. Being casual PvP player isn’t bad thing either but you’re nowhere near a PvP player.

** Insert ‘There is another’ meme *

You’re the biggest meme with your “not recorded achievments”

Oh but they are recorded. Just not in my achievements.

Then what happened to them. Blizzard trolled you and removed them?

Stop clowning, go farm your mythic dragon. :clown_face: :clown_face:

Brodan your memory is very bad for the past fyi.

Achievements? Floating somewhere around the IT-void I reckon.

Which one? there are quite a few of 'em

Could you elaborate on where I’m wrong?

Your memory is very flawed in many places sadly i do not have time to write out and show all of the holes but when even i can see them at a glance on what you write it is bad news for you.

Then if it’s flawed tell me where and give examples. So I can fix my memory and type the truth in the future. Maybe you’re actually right so I’d love to confront these things.

I do not think achievements existed until WoTLK.

Yes they didn’t but it’s still 1 expansion and vanilla and then we had 6 more expanisons. And keep in mind that some things like gladiator achievments or 14th rank of PvP in Vanilla were transition in Wotlk to achievments as Feats of Strength