[-][-] About Us [-][-]
Monolith are a brand new guild on Earthshaker [A]. The guild launched on 24/06/2021.
Initially we intend to set up the guild as a social levelling guild with a view to creating a core raid team and numerous PVP groups for BG’s and arena. However, will be taking things slow in order to build the social elements first.
The guild council consists of pre-nerf SWP raiders, WOTLK realm first raiders, high end PVPers as well as other notable achievements throughout the various retail expansions.
[-][-] Recruiting [-][-]
We are recruiting all classes and specs at the moment. Once we are ready to expand and create the core raid team we will open up raid applications both internally and externally.
[-][-] Join Us [-][-]
Contact me in game (Swindre / Swinder / Pyry) for an invite or further information.
Alternatively, visit our discord server