[A] - MythicNya - mythic raiding

Hello everyone! We started as a lfg group and we grew to over 100 members. We are a community mainly focused on raiding, but doing keys or just having a chat is also possible.

We are 5/12 and currently on Xanesh (best try in 18 pulls 40%). We have raiders and socials, we have a discord, events are posted in calendar, we have a spreadsheet keeping track of who is in the core team, what they need (kills, loot), we are pretty much organized as a guild, although we are a cross realm community.

We aim to have 25 to 30 members in the core team, players that understand that they are part of the team, sometimes might not get a place in, sometimes they might not get the first kill on a boss.

We are looking for players from specific classes and specs that can make us a stronger raiding team. The ideal player for us is 470+ ilvl, max cloak, 4 rank 3 essences, at least 3/12 progression already.

Raiding days:
Wed or Thu from 21.00 - we kill first 3 bosses, possible Shad’har. This run is open to everyone in our community, however everyone needs to be able to carry their own weight.

Saturday - 21.00 to 24.00 - progression run. At the moment we are on Xanesh. This run is for core team only.

Tuesday - 21.00 to 23.00. - progression run. This run is for core team only.

If the above sounds interesting for you, please apply via community finder.

Have a great day!

A short update:
Raiding days: Thursday - 21.00 -23.00 - Wrathion, Skittra, Maut, Shad and if we have time Hive.
Saturday - 21.00 -24.00 - progression run.
Tuesday - 21.00-24.00 - progression run.

Currently at Vexx, we are 6/12. Xanesh has been killed.

Hey, gz on Xanesh. I was trying to search the community name earlier but couldn’t find anything. Is there another means of getting in touch like bnet or discord?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Ty :slight_smile: Is in the title, MythicNya
You can reach me out on bnet: Lexistenz#2531

Have a nice day!

Vexx down as well. 7/12.

Raden down, 8/12

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Drest down 9/12

Ilgy down 10/12

Cara down. 11/12.

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