[A] Mythics - Calm Keystones

i got a place now thanks alot :smiley: :smiley:

Looking for a spot as well, says its full for now :slight_smile:

Forum toon not updated, moved to Ally and would love to join, Link says community is full :frowning:

check again tomorrow at mid-day and there will be rooms :)) not home till then.

check again tomorrow around mid-day and there’ll be places :))

is it possible to get a spot? its full the whole time :confused:

would really like to join with my resto druid

Any clean up coming soon? I’d love to join.

Been away from home for few days now, traveling and visiting few countries :)) will make some rooms available when in home.

Would like to join as well, wish they increased the cap

cleaned up about 80 spots :)) you can join now!


aww dammit, it’s full already /cry

check again tomorrow :smiley: ill clear more spots when I get home. at job currently.

Any chance you could clear a few more spots? Would love to join!

same here, community is full :smiley: that is a good sign tho

Im freezing 30+ spots every day but it gets full tooo fast haha.

try again tomorrow evening and there’ll be spots

Thinking myself of re rolling onto another server. Ate you also running a guild @Bukachu ? If so are you inviting casuals too?

Would eventually like to join a community even though I got given a dead guild with on me and alts for company on alliance. Communites seem better than guilds at the moment and pugs 1 shot get gud perfect no wipe 24/7. Would just love to do dungeons or raid to experience the content lol. If current guild hiatus with lots of disbanding or burn out had not happened there would be not a lot of communities running friendly missions etc. Keep it up we might be an MMPORPG!

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I used to be a guild leader but my guild disbanded due to server being small and not being able to find competent people to mythic raid.
Im currently on ravencrest and doubt ill be leading any guild anytime soon :smiley: however i can ask my guild leader if you want to join my guild as a casual.

haha, you’re welcome to join! :stuck_out_tongue: just ask me a bit earlier so i can clear rooms.

Hey, i’m trying to join since some days, but the community is full! I’m in Calm keystone in the horde and would love to be in this side too:)

hey, usually i do clears on saturday-sunday. check around that time and there should definately be spots :slight_smile:

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