[A] New LATE NIGHT community looking for players to start raids, mythic+ and PVP content

Hey everyone! o/

So a few years back I joined a new realm and created my new Alliance main! And in all my glory, after I hit 120 and having decent item level, I thought to myself “It’s time to raid!”. So I started searching for guilds to have some fun with! Now, that was more difficult than I thought it would be. A lot of guilds start raiding at 8pm ST and at that time I’m not even done with work, let alone be ready to raid! So here I come, asking you all beautiful people if you would like to join me in a late night community for people that have time zones, family commitments or just work that don’t really fit into some guild’s schedules.

We would have 3 raiding days , to be defined, starting at 22h30 server time . We currently need all roles so don’t be shy!

Even if you don’t enjoy raiding that much, consider applying anyway! We will have Mythic+ runs, PVP (even if it’s just for essences) and, of course, a warm and safe place for everyone to go to if they need socializing a bit.

I’m hopeful that we will create something great, with even greater people and awesome new friendships.

Thank you guys and stay safe!

What days do you raid and how long do they go on for? I’m looking for something Mon - Thu.

Hello Anzuriel! The days are still to be defined but I was thinking Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Since we didn’t start to raid yet, we can do it Monday instead of Sunday. For two hours, so from 22h30 to 00h30 server time.

Hi Erandyl,

I am looking for something precisely like this in both time and frequency of raiding.

I’m playing a Tank Paly and that’s what I’m planning to stick for Shadowlands. My other role which I enjoy to play is Heal though I had a 9 month break from game.

How can I contact You?
Or what’s the name of the community?


I’m interested and would like to know more. Please add me m0ppe#2456.

Still active?