… I learnt the hard way
I’m not even getting one so no idea what the trigger is
Another thing that is shrouded in mystery .I had around 15k I spent it on getting mounts .no box in game for me
Would be so fun to see the salt if the requirements were something like this in addition to the 5k plunder.
“Be the last person standing”
“Finish the game with most kills”
“Do the most damage towards other players”
Would’ve loved some clarity on how these things work instead of having to whip out a crystal ball and hope I can see which of my 50+ characters received the mail because, surprise surprise, since TWW launched I only get a mail icon when the mail is from players.
So chances are this thing is probably sitting in the mailbox of some character eligible for gear upgrade (not played in over 2 months), and this raid item will just slip by; I don’t as much care about the item itself, but rather the principle of not ensuring that things work proper before releasing them to the public.
I definitely had none of those! I started to play Plunderstorm in this version. I hoard as much plunder as I can in PvE mode, then I embrace the storm. It is probably just bugged for some people. I’d report it in-game as a bug.
I had to “log in” to Plunderstorm before the item showed up in my mailbox in WoW.
It seems this is just a one-time thing? I went and played a few games and didn’t receive anything after earning another 5k plunder.
Bit of a shame, I really enjoy Plunderstorm but I already bought everything and it feels sort of pointless in a way with no form of progression.
I wish there was some kind of “plundersink” so you could at least spend excess plunder on something.
if you really like it - you would play it .
what you really like is the easy rewards tied to it. not activity itself.
as with everything - plunderstorm can be “algorythmed” into most optimal way of playing it.
the most optimal way is to just do daily 800 doublons + captains reward and log out - then next day only do that - rinse and repeat. - and there is also very optimal way of doing that too with how rares / mobs density is put in certain areas - you do the 2 rare / 10 mobs / 30 plunder / 3 spells quest very fast and then die to npcs to not waste time playing further - if its not 1 of those quests ? die to first rare and retry
i bet that somewhere in next 2-3 weeks there will be like doubled plunder too - once they announce next season in retail to being people back into game.
They’ll probably have a fix when it’s not the weekend.
We getting a hotfix within the hotfix?
In the mean time I’d do a bug report in game so the Devs can see there is an issue.
Feel free to do so.
Just to be clear, the people with the issue need to fill out the bug reports in game.
I received mine so I have nothing I can report.
Just to be clear, the people who didn’t check the bug report page with already multiple instances of this issue being filed in.
I didn’t receive mine, but I only have 2 forum posts, so who knows.
Edit: spelling.
already reported as a bug, but went and earned another 5k plunder, still nothing in my mail.
I bought two mounts for 5k each, so I defintely have earned the plunder. Yet I did not get any letter. Do we need to write a ticket, or how is this going to be fixed?
You just have to submit a bug report in game and continue with your day. The more reports of the same bug, the faster it gets looked at.
I don’t have mine either.
cba to file a bug report for something so basic, how about Blizz just don’t their jobs with a basic level of competence?
I got it sent to my paladin at random.
So it does exist at least.
I have accumulated more than 5k Plunder, 20k to say the least, yet when I received the mail in-game I only received 1 token. My question is do you only get 1 token or a token for every 5k accumulated?
Also by the word, “hereafter” does that mean that if I go and do a match now and make 5k plunder do I get another token?