A New Set of Horns - bugged quest?

Just returned after an extended break from WoW and have began Dragonflight on a new character.

I have reached the Skytop Observatory and when I picked up the quest “A New Set of Horns” which asks me to use the Rostrum to change my drakes appearance but when I go over to the Rostrum is says “Requires level 70” and I am unable to complete the quest.

Is this a bug or have they changed how the quest works?


Same here. Probably the last update bugged it. Hope it will be fixed soon.

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Same issue here.

  • Dragonflight mounts aren’t automatically selected from the “Summon favorite mount” button anymore but can at least be used manually.
  • No dragonflight skill tree available anymore.
  • Rostrum of transformation requires lvl 70, can’t complete the storyline quest.
  • (Not sure on this one: World quests normally give items for the lvl you’re on but are now showing “Requires lvl 70” gear.)

All of this was still available like yesterday or so on that same character.


Same here :frowning:

This is a bug with latest patch, effects characters lvl 60-69.

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Came here to say got the same problem

Same here, we need hotfix asap :slight_smile:

yup also stuck… a hotfix is on the way but how long does that take?

Oh thank god.

Happy to hear that.

it worked for me, just was at a barber, changed my hair color and returned, it didn t let me use it but it completed the quest so i can progres the quest line

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Bro 24 hours without hotfix? How hard can it be?

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Same bug here…

same here :unamused:

As Ive seen posted elsewhere I thought i’d try the hair style workaround…
Goto Dragon Isle, Thaldraszus, Valdrakken, The Obsidian Enclave (it took me ages to get up here as my character hadn’t been here before!) and click on one of the mirrors and change your hair type to something else, this completed the quest for me.


Ok, so I read this somewhere as well… Thought it to be the ultimate Alt+F4 comment.

But it actually worked. I went to a random barber in Dalaran and changed my Hair type. It completed the quest and I can continue the chain.

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I to was like what the hell this is yet another blizz joke, some player just made up, but then again why the hell not try it, and lord bhold, the quest A New Set of Horns, can now be turned in, after i did a hair cut… :confused: Dont ask me why. I am on Boulderfist EU Horde, on a level 62 Cow pala, if that helps anyone.

worked for me, what joke tho

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Yup amazing, just came back since SL, pre-purchased The War Within and now can’t even progress main campaign.

FAB job once again blizzard.

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changing hair in barber helps. thx for your help guys