Setting up a rag-tag team to clear raids with weekly!
Many of us don’t have guilds or a weekly static and so have to pug Ny’alotha each week which, well… sucks!
I want to set up a 10-20 group that can get together once or twice a week to get our weekly clears without having to go through all the stress of getting to know a guild - just get in, clear, get out!
We will start with Heroic Ny’alotha, with raiding days being Thursday and Sunday, and then once we’re comfortable as a group we can move onto Mythic Ny’alotha!
I am currently 12/12 Heroic and 1/12 Mythic on the EU server Turalyon, but want to get 12/12 Mythic before Shadowlands drops! I will only be accepting people with max level, 465+ ilvl and decent HC Ny’alotha experience.
Message me - Bosskyoshiro - in game, or apply to Graveyard Shift Weekly Raiding Team in the community finder