[A] <No One Important Died> Are Recruiting!

< No One Important Died > Are Recruiting!

(Updated Below)

< No One Important Died > Are Recruiting For Our 25m Cata Team!

Are you looking for a chilled raid atmosphere? Somewhere you can have a laugh whilst raiding and still clearing content at a high level? Then join NOID and put the fun back in your raiding!

The core of the team have been raiding together since TBC. Over the years the team grown along with its ambitions, but the one constant has been to keep a nice chilled raid atmosphere, no raging or flaming others if they make a mistake, helping your guildies when you can and keeping that team mentality.
We also understand that real life can get in the way sometimes, it’s part of life and we’re able to be flexible around that for when RL comes a’knockin!
These ideals have made NOID a fantastic team to be part of, and a great new home for like minded people to join!

Our goal is to clear all content on Heroic Difficulty

WOTLK Progression

ICC 10 ~ 12/12NM ~ 12/12HC
ICC 25 ~ 12/12NM ~ 11/12HC

Raid Schedule

Raid Days ~ Wednesday & Monday
Raid Times ~ 20.00 - 23.00 (Server Time)

Loot System

For our Loot System, we use That’s My BIS.
We’ve used this loot system throughout WOTLK and so far it has proven to be a fair and healthy way of distributing loot.
(You create you’re own BIS list for your character and each item is then prioritized between all whom have selected that item based on their role)

Raider Expectations

  • We expect Raiders to maintain a high raid attendance.
  • Be prepared, show up to raids on time, fully gemmed and enchanted and with consumes.
  • Discord is mandatory
  • Research mechanics on fights we’re progressing if you’re unsure.


We Are Currently Recruiting The Following Classes / Specs


  • Feral Druid (Cat)
  • Ret Paladin


  • Resto Druid / Holy Pala / Holy Priest

Although these are the classes we are primarily looking for, All classes & specs will be considered!

If NOID sounds like the place for you, please get in touch so we can have a chat!

Discord - Auldrinz
Battle Net - Auldrin#21620
In Game - Auldrin



Still Recruiting The Following Classes / Specs :


Feral Druid (Cat)
Ret Paladin


Resto Druid
Holy Pala
Holy Priest


We’re looking for 1 Resto Druid for our 25m Team!

/w Auldrin in game for a chat!

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