🐸 [A] Noggenfogger <Wall Rose> Casual Raiding Guild (and a little crazy)

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:sunny: Guild philosophy.

I was introduced to this game by some of my childhood friends upon its first release. Now we’ve come together to muster a somewhat small and cozy guild; one with multiple arrays of personalities. The kind that bounce off one another with comfort and humility. The kind that login to play but just end up chatting for hours.

Bliss. Simple moments. That’s the atmosphere I’m trying to create. To feel comfortable and importantly, to be yourself. We’re here to have fun before anything else. And I know that can mean different things to different people. So let me break it down for you. We’re not racing to be the best of the best at anything, be it PVP or PVE. But I can assure you we will still be bloody brilliant. Just laid back and having a laugh.

Our guild will indulge in both PVP and PVE. We will also organise strange and crazy events from time to time in attempt to SPICE THINGS UP. Be warned! These events are just as important as any PVE/PVP. Yes, we ROLEPLAY (for jokes) and you shall too! :relieved:


Many of us have real VANILLA experience ranging all the way through to AQ40-NAXX. Dozens others through every other expansion leading to retail endgame.
We definitely intend to raid. But we intend to make raiding a lot more dynamic and personal. You’ll love what we have planned.

Class requirements:

:man_farmer: Warriors - Open | :man_singer: Paladin - Open | :mage: Mage - Open

:woman_mage: Warlock - Open | :boar: Hunters - Open | :female_detective: Rogues - Open

:fairy: Priest - x1 Shadow/Holy | :genie: Druid - 1x Feral/Restoration

We want you to play the class and role YOU want to play. So we’ll do the best to accomodate that, always. It’s not fun unless you’re enjoying the game and it starts with what you play. If your desired class is not available here, please get in touch as things may have changed. Otherwise you’ll always be welcome as a strong social or a back up/benched player.

Raiding times.

Wednesday/Monday - 19:00-22:00 (progress/new content raids) Usually done by 20:30.

Monday = Blackwing Lair
Wednesday = Molten Core

We don’t ever plan to do more than one raid on an ‘official’ raid night. Averaging 1hr-1hr30mins on raids. We don’t like to rush or demand the ‘min-maxing’ culture. Though it’s encouraged people comfortably strive to better themselves :slight_smile:

Loot Distribution

In-game DKP System.


  • parent-friendly guild, 18+ (The average age are in between 28-45 yrs)
  • Prioritising a strong social and energetic guild above all else.
  • English speaking guild (all cultures and backgrounds welcome)
  • Casual Raiding Guild
  • We’re crazy

Please get in touch should you have any questions. Socials always welcome!

Find me via [battle.net ](http://battle.net): Taz#2362
or message below :slight_smile:

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