[A] Normal/Heroic raiding guild is recruiting!

Well hello there,

First off just a little introduction:

Call of the Void is an Alliance guild based on the highly populated server of Silvermoon, we are a friendly and mature guild who like to enjoy the game and the people whom we raid with. We were formed at the time that Nighthold was the current content and since then we cleared all heroic content with adequate comfort.

We are by no means a Hardcore guild, by this I mean that we do not push to raid mythic. Instead, we clear the Normal and Heroic content. Having fun in a relaxed social environment is our main goal, however, we still like to clear the content and receive that shiny shiny loot.

So what is Call of the Voids progression?

This is our current progress:

Uldir (8/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal)

I will also list all the progress we managed since the guild was formed:

Antorus, the Burning Throne (11/11 Heroic, 11/11 Normal)
Tomb of Sargeras (9/9 Heroic, 9/9 Normal)
Nighthold (10/10 Heroic, 10/10 Normal)

Our raiding schedule is:

  • Monday 20:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday 20:00 - 23:00

  • Okay, but what does Call of the Void need for it's raid team?

    Here is a list of the classes we are currently looking for, this list is subject to change at any given time. The below classes are ones that we are proactively trying to find, applications from all classes are however welcome of course:

  • Mistweaver Monk
  • Disc/Holy Priest
  • Windwalker Monk
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Elemental Shaman
  • Hunter
  • So now I know a little bit about Call of the Void, but what should I expect when I join?[/u]

    We are a fairly laid back guild however when it comes to it we want to progress and so will focus and push for the kill. In a raid environment there is always a bit of chatter as we like to have happy raiders that are at the same time, focused on killing the bosses at hand - this is the key to our success. Therefore, there is no bad atmosphere during our raids, but instead, a relaxed, calm and focused environment. We don't like shouting at people for doing something wrong, instead we try and advise them on how to improve and try to guide them if needed.

    Most (if not all) of our members will offer help out where possible (if you ask for it!). This can help people fit in and feel wanted. By joining us you won't just be joining a raid guild - you will be joining a community.

    This sounds great, what does Call of the Void want from me though?

    Call of the Void is looking for focused, friendly and mature people to join its raid team. We expect you to turn up to raids prepared with flasks, potions and food, we also ask that you try to attend as many raids as possibly: at least 80% attendance is requested.

    We also expect you to know at least the next 3/4 progress bosses that we will be going for; not knowing this will cause a problem; you will waste time and basically cause more wipes than necessary - wiping is a part of progress but if you are not prepared by watching tactics then it takes longer.

    Now I know all of this, what if I get taken on as a trial?

    The most important thing to note is that you should just be yourself! What we hate to see is that someone behaves like an angel during their trial and then their commitment drops dramatically or they turn into this strange person we have never seen before and show their true colours - DO NOT LET THIS BE YOU PLEASE! Be yourself, relax, and we will get a better understanding of whether or not you fit in (this works the other way round too).

    If you think you are interested in what we have to offer and if you also think we may be interested in you, please do not hesitate to add my battle-tag or discord tag (I'm available 24/7 on discord):

    Ilanoar#3210 - Discord
    Ilanoar#2296 - Battle.net

    Hope to hear from you soon :)
    i have to say this is a very detailed post :D i may not be looking for a guild but dam :D you guys sound awesome :D
    Thank you, it took me a lot of time to make this :)

    We are still in need of some ranged DPS.
    Still on the lookout for some ranged DPS!
    Looking for a tank now as well. All classes/roles are welcome to get in contact!
    Now in need of a few ranged DPS and 1 or 2 Main healers.
    The main healer spot is still up for grabs!
    Still looking for members!

    Socials are welcome as well!
    Do you take in melee DPS, more precisely Rogues?
    06/09/2018 07:38Posted by Theveryend
    Do you take in melee DPS, more precisely Rogues?

    We would consider a Rogue yes one of the officers will be free to talk this evening.
    Just updated our needs, we require a healer (Monk/priest) and a few DPS (Shaman, Hunter, Monk, Death Knight.

    We will however consider other classes as we are always on the look out for people who will fit in well to our team.

    Socials are also welcome as we run Normal on a Thursday which is open to the whole guild (as long as you meet the minimum requirements of course!).

    Hope to hear from interested people soon.
    We are no longer looking for a death knight.

    bump still looking for mainly dps and a healer!
    you can also contact me at:
    Discord: awesomebeard#2478
    Btag: awesomebeard#1853

    bump still looking for 1 more non paladin healer and some dps mainly ranged like warlock

    Please delete this post, new one here: [a] 7/8 HC guild Recruiting - Silvermoon

    (I can not edit the original)