ONLY THE BRAVES is an 18+ friends and family guild looking to get some teams going. We are currently looking to fill out some officer ranks for this. Mainly a Raid leader and a recruitment officer.
At the time of this writing, we are hosting casual server/realmwide social/pve/pvp events. And run the occasional M+10 runs. But some of us want to get more serious in both Raiding and Arena/RBGS. No times or days are set for these events, so we are a blank page. And educated guess tells me it will be most likely for 21PM or up.
Aside from filling out these officer and raider positions, we welcome all 18+ players for some casual fun in both pve and pvp alike.
Contact us here, through DM @ILxCAPO#1870, or here: guilds of wow. com/ only-the-braves/