(A) or (H) Mature raider looking for raiding guild


I’m looking for a mature raiding guild, either faction.
Armoury won’t let me select him for some reason (link below)

Only days i cant raid are Thursdays and maybe the odd rare one due to work.

HC raider in the past and looking to do that again. Hit me up

Toons available -

  • BM or SV Hunter (best geared)
  • Balance/Resto Druid (needs a bit of love)
  • Ele/Enhanc/Resto shaman (needs a bit of love)

I do have other classes/specs but they are very very behind so if you are looking for something specific and are ok with him being a little bit behind let me know :slight_smile:


(quite a few edits - trying to make as fun as possible :P)


Still here and still looking (had lil name change)

The Piglets of Freehold is a horde heroic raiding guild that also does m+. We’re on the lookout for new members for both our raid team and to join our growing community. Current progress is 8/8N and 6/8HC. We don’t mind what you play, as long as you enjoy it :grin:
Let me know if you’re interested!

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