[A] Outland <Natural Competition>

are recruiting skilled individuals of any class/role who want to progress Mythic at a quick pace but may not have the time to play.
We are a 2 day a week raiding guild which will compete for top realm ranks whilst clearing high M+ keys and having fun along the way.

We are all ex- top 50 raiding guild experienced with several rank 1’s on Warcraftlogs and are returning to the game ready to take on what Shadowlands has to offer!

Raiding days are not set in stone as of yet but it’s looking to be Thursday and Monday. Any of your schedule requirements will be taken into account before they’re set for Shadowlands

Feel free to ask any questions :slight_smile:

Hi, i saw a reply on my post 3 days ago ^^ how can i get in contact?

Hello! :slight_smile:

I am interested too, how can i contact you? :slight_smile: thx

Add Mike15342#6406 on discord. I’ll update my post shortly with additional info. Sorry for the vague intro haha

Added you :slightly_smiling_face:

My guild just disbanded mike :cry:

There’s always a place for you and James here if you fancy!