[A] Phantas Magoria on Pyrewood Village is recruiting raiders!

Soon ™ the fun will start!

Is Evenstar returning also?

Whoa, heya Jimbob! Is this the real Jimbob, the one from the awesome intro on our C’Thun kill video!?

As it is now, Evenstar is with us on the discord and planning to play as well… he’s not as active and hyped as most of us though =P

An imp you say? This was never explained to me!

A possible good match?

Thoughts? :smiley:

They are very welcome to come have a chat with us :slight_smile:

Hi Phonquell, Yes it’s me lol. Wanna PM me the details? Like Even, I don’t have the time to invest like before but this could have some good times.

Heh, nice to see you again, Jimbob ^^

If you use discord, you can find us on discord.gg/V22TpyF

Or if not, you can add me on Battlenet at Jokefish#2265 :slight_smile:

Hi All,

Evenstar and I are back in the fold so if you were part of the old PM and are interested in joining for classic, please reply here, drop in the discord channel (in the previous reply) or send a PM. We really want to try and get as many of the old team back in with the new :slight_smile:

Not long left to go now!

Good news everyone! We have restocked our cookies. Everyone joining now will receive one additional cookie!

It’s Jimbob!

The journey starts soon!

Omn, I could have sworn you didn’t used to have such an ugly orc-face =P

Sounds interesting :slight_smile:

Haha, neither a Hunter! The real Omn has changed into many forms and altered names over the years. Good to see a familiar face/name again Phonquell!

Hi Omn! I see you have gone to the dark side :smiley: Long time no see, how you been?

A turtle made it to the water!

Yeah, swapped Horde to play with some friends in TBC. Still not sure what to play in Classic though! Might come back to the Alliance :wink:

All good! I’m a dad now and learnt how to use keybinds in TBC. Much has changed, haha. How are things on your side? Nice to see you and Evenstar are making a return too!

Things are good Omn. Would be good to see you in-game again. Pop in on the DIscord channel if you fancy a chat :slight_smile:

The fun has begun! Come join us while leveling!