A picture is worth a thousand words

Sorry dude; completely hideous imo (I never made a Sylvari, I just don’t like their designs at all). But you do you. Can’t argue about taste.

I wonder how many other things we don’t have in common.

Hah. Plenty probably. Let me give you a couple of random love/hate:

Love: Lasagna (but without cheese, because:)
Hate: Cheese.
Love: Adventure movies
Hate: Gangster movies
Love: Coffee
Hate: Alcohol of any kind

At least we have a dislike of Zaralek Caverns in common. :kissing_heart:

Never drank any of these beverages in my entire life.

I would like a national ban on alcohol, drugs and cigarettes though.
I always thought it was pretty obvious that selling addictive poison to other human beings wasn’t very ethical and should be made illegal.

Make it international.
We as a species should know better.

That’s what I want deep down, but I get called a wannabe dictator when I mention it.

Legion was solid expansion

mention classic again and im gonna vomit

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I feel like all versions of wow have their strengths

Legion wasn’t perfect, but it was a fun ride compared to Shadowlands. I’m not even talking borrowed power systems design here, the story of the actual afterlife was squandered to an almost impressive degree. Give me a demonic invasion to fight any day - keep the embodiment of vagueposting, i.e. the Jailer, far away yes please and thank you.

I didn’t mention it, it’s trash too.

And 'nuff said!

Legion bad
Bfa good
Sl bad
Df meh/bad+

Dont @ me

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BFA is Legion 2.0 though.
By all accounts, it’s worse than Legion.

I really enjoyed Legion on the whole but the AP system is not something I ever want to see again.

Legion brought DHs so it is universally the worst expac ever. Bfa didnt so its better by default

BFA added a GCD to basically every spell in the game that didn’t have one and made combat lame, slow and clunky.
It also removed Legion templates which forced PvP players to grind M+ for gear.

Everything will kill you, given enough time and improper usage! And tobacco and alcohol usually play a large part of a country traditions, much like food that can kill you just as much if consumed improperly, it’s too much to be missed and not experienced.

But I’m just puzzled at this take on life, I can’t understand it but I respect it.

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Not wanting to put stuff into my body that I find disgusting?
Not that puzzling, really.
I don’t eat cheese either. :blush:

For me alcohol is a matter of principle. I’ve seen bad stuff happen from alcohol abuse and I decided at quite a young age that I would not touch the stuff. It’s not about it being unhealthy perse; it’s about it literally being able to ruin (or take) people’s lives - and not even your own one (drunk driving for example).

If you find it disgusting it’s fair, not going to discuss taste! As per it being dangerous you’re right, but there are also many other things that will do the same (driving fast for instance, or even just driving on its own).

But I guess part of my reasons may be me being Italian, you really risk to upset people here by refusing say a glass of wine and a good cheese and other things during a meal or an aperitivo, and on top of that, half of my family are mountaineers, cheese and wine are very deeply rooted in our diets. Passing up on Pizzoccheri and a glass of Nebbiolo would be crazy!

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I’ve grown up in quite a different environment, so I guess our differing views on this are logical results of that. I’m the opposite in a way: I would be upset if someone insisted on me eating or drinking something I didn’t want; more so on the alcohol side.

Which is all fine of course!

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