A player's choice with factions

Hello everyone.

I just started playing Cataclysm Classic a few days ago, still trying to decide the class that i will play but more importantly i have no idea if i should go Horde or Alliance.
In these games like a mmorpg i do like to experience good lore, quests, even zones but as a new player it’s hard to know which one is good in those spectrums or if there is one side that outshines the other.

When looking at it from a outside perspective it seems that the Alliance is more pragmatic about things and yes that it’s more of a good guy faction while Horde seems more open to conflict and barbaric an even more darker story wise because of the trolls and undead. A new player can have a hard time coming to the game and not knowing what’s going on, i have a friend that wants to start playing the game but wants to know what distinguishes these 2 factions and if one of them as a better story telling compared to the other.
The easy thing for me would be telling him to join the faction that i’m playing so that we can play together but i wish for him to find the side that he enjoys the most.

Can anyone share some light with me about this?
I would like to know if you had a better experience with story and quests on the Horde or Alliance and ended up preferring one of the two.

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