[A] Please home a turbulent Priest!


Long-time but perpetually break-taking AD denizen here. I was wondering if anyone could kindly direct me towards a vouchable Dwarf/Holy-inclined guild on the server? I’d intended to mope around SW until somebody tried to nab me but sharding seems to have precluded that.

Thank you in advance and best!


May I recommend these awesome Light worshipping chuds?


Give these peeps a gander.


Mornin’ to yee lad! We were kindly referred to above but, yeah! Always happy to meet new dorfs around for RP!

We the Morodnir might not be fully committed to the light - but we got light users and wielders in our midst!

So make contact in game or through the forums, if of interest!

(By the by, killer mog :pinched_fingers::hammer_and_pick:)

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