Blue Team from Prime are recruiting!
Currently looking for:
1x Warlock
1x DPS of any other class
Raiding on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 8:30pm - 11:30pm server time.
► Can attend all of our raid days.
► Be prepared for each boss we are doing and be responsive and aware during raids.
► Know your class, from the inside out and have a strong knowledge of
game mechanics.
► Show up with a teamwork attitude and do your best to help the team be
it’s best.
► Be geared to a level which matches the progression and are able to contribute and perform to a high standard.
Applications via the website which can be found on wowprogress or for a chat about the raid team, please contact Tunkywunky or Ileyna in game or add ileynaprime#2503 on Btag.
About the guild:
Prime is a 9 year old guild, with strong leadership and a focus on keeping a friendly and fun community. We have a big mix of age ranges and nationalities within the guild and a variety of players due to this with plenty of social players mixing with our mythic progression raiders and high PvP ranked players also. We have a very active discord and our members are encouraged to take part in our Social runs and to run M+, achievements and old content together to keep our community spirit alive