[A] Primo Victoria - Coming Feb 2022

Primo Victoria

Philosophy: I want to be around for the community aspect of this game – it’s why I started playing this game – and it’s why I still play it. As a guild I want us to be a little bit of everything and have something for everyone. You want to level toon after toon? We would be happy to help you, Want to be at cutting edge of content with 19 other players just like you? If you build it, they will come. Want to push M+ as high you can with a dedicated team? - we are here. Is PVP your home? - Build a team to bring Glory to the Alliance. Want to role play – we will give you a safe space to do so.

Set-up: Many teams – One Guild: - I want there to be many teams under one roof – with each team having it’s own officers and ideals. Ideally the structure would be: -

GM (Warmwhisper)
Social officers (recruitment for social players) – reports into GM
Officers (general guild duties) – reports into GM
Team Leaders - Reports into the officers
Team Members – reports into the TLs
Schedules determined on a team by team basis
Comms: Discord

Feel free to contact me in-game on plainlyadam#2766 or on discord Legolich#5602

Primo Victoria - apparently already exists - thread can be deleted

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