A propossal for GDKPs thing

oh yeah totally, a system based around buying items with in game currency.


No, it ain’t happening

You´d get rewarded the more time you spent in the game or the better you play the AH if there was no RMT.

Can´t you understand this?

You’re right, but not completely.

If RMT is completely forbidden and pursued, players will rely on time/effort or economy based skills in order to be “profitable”. That’s true.

But is also true that communities will take a real factor. You, as player, will depend on others to fullfil achievements. You will need from your friends and your guildmmates in order to adquire that legendary weapon, or the gear for an specific resistance, etc.

Like it was back in 2004.

This will open the game to those players who don’t have enough time or for those who, as me, don’t want to cheat.

So for all who don’t want to effort and just want a fast and easy way to buy gear, the best thing Blizzard can do is providing you an environment where the value of things will be measure by the amount of IRL money you are able to gain and spent in-game.

Leaving those players who want to give value based on effort and dedication a fresh environment, or at least with less RMT-botters/buyers because I’m afraid a 100% clean server will be impossible at this point.

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Anyone knows if normal raid boosting is also restricted by blizzard if it is not a gdkp raid?
Just a simple “we are a team of 15 good players and we can carry 5 ppl through the raid for a fixed gold amount and loot will be normally rolled out for no extra gold costs” boosting?
Or is this way allowed without any matters?

gdkp with extra steps

Oh, those who want what is not allowed on Living Flame/any other normal server should face a tiny effort to make, shouldn’t they?

I bet that the majority doesn’t want GDKP anyway, but even if it does - why should players who want to play the game the normal way leave the normal GDKP-less server?

Boring Boring Boring

Well, traditional boosting for ingame gold is explicitly allowed.

But specifically on SoD I wouldn´t dare offer it, because there is so much RMT gold flying around already that you inevitably run the risk of getting caught up in the web of someone else´s illegal activities by accepting thousands of gold from them :beers:

I find that everything is fine as it is with the exception of hard reserving items.
All players should be given a shot at the loot in my opinion.
I don’t mind soft reserving items, makes sense to me

Hard reserving should have been banned along with GDKP.
I know that people argue saying that you don’t have to join HR runs but that to me is just plain BS.
It’s just bad for the community.

HR in 5 man is stupid, sure.

But creating and leading a raid requires extra work. Extra work and effort for no reward doesn’t inspire extra work and effort.

no there isn’t.

:poop: off.

I’m not into these things, I would rather roll a dice against a fellow team mate than line someone pocket’s IRL.

Do these types not just run these from discord and not advertise in game easy way around any issues, no one would know? Pretty sure they are happening?

RMT andies struggling hard with no being able to swipe credit card and go buy the items they want in GDKP then go next alt and do the same then quit after 4 weeks.

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the automated system detects large quantities of gold being traded for epic loot in raids and it claps them.

hence the seething on the part of these forum GDKP spammers.

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So I have edited the original post in order to make it clear that i’m not fan of either RMT or GDKPs …

My gratittude to Blizzard for banning GDKPs in SoD servers, I’m looking forward to see that policy being applied all across all WoW clients, because well … all the people I’m meeting lately at Cata/ERA/SoD/Retail do usually buy gold from RMT services.

The problem is that those buyers do not buy large amount of gold, and if I start reporting them I will eventually have noone to play with …