[A] Prot warrior looking for Raiding and M+ guild

Hi everyone,

Returning WoW player here, and I’m currently on the hunt for a mature, casual raiding guild focusing on normal and heroic difficulty raids. I’m also keen on running Mythic+ dungeons. I currently main a protection warrior and play other tanking alts.

Guild Atmosphere: I value a friendly and relaxed environment where we can learn mechanics and enjoy our time - after all, it’s a game!

Availability: My schedule limits me to playtime until 22:30 - 23:00 CET on weekdays due to my job. On weekends, I’m usually online, currently working my way up to mid Mythic+ keys.

Contact Me: Feel free to reach out here, Battle.net Valdri#21601, in-game or through Raider.io.

Looking forward to some great adventures together!

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