A little bit about myself.
My name is Jesper and iam 31 years old and i live in Sweden. I have a 0500-1400 job, where iam a foreman and work at the Furnaces in a steel plant.
I have a son witch i have on weekends due to my odd work time. I do use my brain and i learn quick i don´t blush up easy, nor get angry. A very calm player with other words.
What i look after in a guild.
it is a plus if its a Swedish speaking guild but its not a must, i understand English well and can speak if i must. (with a little stuttering) 
Optimal raid time would be around 1900-2200, but iam flexible exept on Friday and Saturdays.
I want the guild to be mature, friendly no elitist or whiners. A friendly tone goes a long way, i want to be able to raid again and do mythic+ dungeons.
As a note, i recently started play again for about 2 weeks ago, so i have ZERO experience in raiding in BoA, well 1 or 2 runs in LFR, but i hardly call that raiding.
Former experiences.
I used to fully tank whole Wotlk and Cataclysm, before playing casual and quit on and on between Mop and Legion, I point it out again if you missed it, i have zero raiding experience in BoA.
I hope to hear back from you!
Hello Jesper!
You would be very welcome to join us over at Only Fools with Horses, we are a mature and casual guild, currently raiding once a week on Wednesday.
Here is our original recruitment post, if you wish to check us out Only Fools With Horses is recruiting
You can find me on Silvermoon, as Moggana or Moggonk, or my bnet is Mogs#2420
Look forward to chatting to you
Honestly it feels really tempting, Only drawback i thought of is that its Only 1day of raiding. I would love to do atleast 2 times a week. But it might change in the future perhaps. I think iam gonna log in anytime soon so I can message you then.
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Wrong character on phone. 
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Hi Kilthia is a friendly community (represented through the community channel The Halls of the Goddess) with a guild presence on Wildhammer, Frostmourne and Runetotem realms.
Socials, raiders, dungeoneers and PvPers are all welcome to join our ranks. Message Isartais#2652
Hiya Jesper
We aren’t a Swedish speaking guild, sorry, but Order of the Silver Dawn (OSD) could be the place for you!
OSD is an Alliance guild on Arathor/Hellfire connected realm, and has been going since 2005. We are a mature, friendly and relaxed raiding guild aiming to clear Heroic content at our own pace
we are currently 7/9 HC and looking for a reliable tank for our last push in Battle of Dazar’Alor. We raid Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays and we realise that things like work, kids and friends are important so aren’t worried about 100% attendance. We raid from 20.30 til 23.00 server time so hopefully that would fit in with you
We also have a stong mythic+ scene aiming to get everyone who wants a +10 done each week, and we are quite happy to help with running dungeons for gear if you need
Add me on battlenet if you want to know more, Kenli#21293
Thanks for your time!