Hench is a Mirage Raceway[H], Thunderstrike[A] and Wild Growth[H] guild, setting and achieving serious, though realistic goals
Since 2019 - Classic’s inception, we have offered players access to very organized platform, with a strong foundation.
Using a robust and fair process(A.S.K) aimed at character improvement, we offer an environment which enables raiders the opportunity to progress and excel while still being treated as humans and not robots.
We also support rising through the ranks. Interested in building a raid team, or maybe you would like to lead one? Have a desired to help support the guild administration and want to be an officer ?
Upward mobility is important to us and we’re always seeking to promote like minded individuals and adventurers.
Our core constituency is based in England/Europe and we schedule events and activities around GMT/CET(realm time).
(For those currently on a different server and struggling to enjoy it or find a home to call their own, kindly join Discord and come speak to us. It may be worth your time and consideration, to then be able to transfer in confidence).
How do you know you might be Hench? Ask yourself :
More inspired by Tom Hardy than Asmongold?
You might just be Hench.
Interchange the word “progress” with “gains” frequently?
You might just be Hench.
Are you able to contribute to making a guild thrive, with good skills, experience, the right attitude and/or keen interest in bestowing knowledge to others?
You might just be Hench.
Have you a desire for organized progression through the Classic Experiment?
You might just be Hench.
Speak to us about becoming involved with a mature, experienced and dedicated guild where you can be more than a face in the zerg crowd, or a fly on the wall… you can be Hench and assist us in navigating this retroactive MMORPG journey!
**More about the guild **
Our promise
- People before pixels
- Going the extra distance with dedication and drive
- Supporting guild members beyond the tag under their name
- Continuous improvement plans as a collective(raid force) and at the individual level
Long term aims
- All end game content and raids (every phase)
Current Objectives
- Seasons of Discovery raiding
- Anniversary Classic 2.0 Burning Crusade raiding
Past Objectives
[consolidated into a singular once each expansion is ending]
*Cataclysm progression [on hiatus as of early 2025]
- Wrath of the Lich King progression
- The Burning Crusade progression
- Classic Warcraft progression
- Season of Discovery Classic progression
Raid days/time
[Twenty-man+ Season of Discovery]
- Wednesday at 8:00PM Realm time
- Tuesday at 8:00PM Realm time [progression day II or alternative /swap day as needed]
Raid days/time
[Forty-man Anniversary Burning Crusade]
*TBA Q3-Q4 2025
Roster availability
Below is a listing of class/spec combinations that are of interest to us currently
Order of listing is by importance and alphabetized.
(Do you play a class or spec not in the list, or is as not highly required - yet feel you are able to impress? or maybe interested in assisting in building up another raid force, being at the center of the action?
Please feel free to inquire, as we are open to all considerations).
- Healers of any type [with this we can resume ten man raiding activity in 2025]
Season of Discovery
Any, though of particular interest :
- Druid [Balance]
- Druid [Restoration]
- Hunter [Survival & Marksmanship]
- Mage [Any though ideally Frost]
- Priest [Holy or Discipline]
- Priest [Shadow]
- Shaman [Elemental]
- Shaman [Restoration]
- Warlock [Any]
Anniversary Classic
Any // TBA
What we expect from our members
- Competence, effort and performance interests
- An honest guild first approach
- Comfortable to receive guidance and instruction
- Decent at English typing, though speaking is a bonus
- Be active on Guilded.gg
- Appreciation for finest of dad jokes
- Good knowledge of American cultural references is a plus for trivia nights!
We use Discord and Guilded.gg which provides notifications to Discord for ease of access and convenience of events, forum posts and news.
How to learn more about our platform, and where to join
Visit site :
Register and click apply to join the team
and/or visit us at Knights of Justice [Hench] :
(post a notice in the General channel requesting a Henchman or Scout’s assistance)
Please be patient and we will respond.
Alternatively find us in-game.