[A - PVE] Looking for more to expand our raid roster for Heroic progression!

Hey there! Sungarde is currently looking for more people to join our raid team as we finish up Normal and start progressing Heroic. We consider ourselves a casual raiding guild, and strive to have a nice and inclusive atmosphere. When it comes to experience, it doesn’t matter as much for us since that can come over time! As long as you show up for raids on time, are willing to learn and most importantly have fun, then you’ll fit right in.
Being a nice person is much more important than being the best player!

Current Progress:
10/10 Normal
1/10 Heroic

We would love to recruit some more people as we start progressing into Heroic!

We’re looking for 3-4 DPS, a back-up Healer, and a back-up Tank as well.

Preferred DPS:
Mage, Warlock, Rogue, Demon Hunter

Preferred Healer:
Priest, Shaman

Preferred Tanks:
Any tanks, really!

While these classes are preferred, it is definitely not set in stone. And we’d love to find someone who could be a back-up tank as well if needed!

Raid Times:

  • Friday 21:00 - 00:00 Realm Time
  • Sunday 21:00 - 00:00 Realm Time

Please note:

  • As a guild, there’s zero tolerance for any elitism, toxicity, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or anything of the sorts.
  • Raids, and general content will be streamed.

If you are interested in hearing more, or want to join, feel free to reply in this thread or add me on Discord or Battle.net for a chat!

  • Discord: Ahnket#4199
  • Battle.net: Ahnket#2905

Thanks for reading!

What is your stance on roleplaying?

Stops you by the border Papers, please

I think roleplaying is nice, and people are more than welcome to do it!
But generally the guild is set up for social, mythic dungeons and raiding! :slight_smile:

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Ooooh-nooo. Here we go.

Hands you clearly forged passport. Here you go, all good?

It’s fine for pve guilds, so long they show common curtesy to roleplayers.

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Which means don’t be OOCing around said RPers or flying above them and watch us like animals from a zoo. Other than that, all is good.

I look the papers and stamp it and return it Go right in

Why is this an afterthought in every casual/newbie raiding guild (bar one) that’s been posting on the forums for the past 5 months and strictly only mentioned when it’s asked


Because the guild isn’t a RP focused one, which is why I included the “PVE” emphasis in the title. That shouldn’t stop us from advertising our guild on the appropriate server subforum seeing that we’re located on Argent Dawn.
If we were an RP focused guild we would advertise it as such.

But considering it’s an RP server, it could be included in the post as well. “Roleplayers are also welcome.” etc.

It’s like they forget what the server is about…


Did I write that it should stop you from posting? I mentioned that, like basically every other carbon copy raiding/casual/social guild that have graced us on the forums for the past months, you have omitted the one single defining aspect of the realm which is RP.

No-one asked that you make an RP guild, no-one even said that you must be an RP guild, but that you, like every other clueless silly player this kind of question targets, can just add “Yeah we also are RP-Friendly as a guild” in the OP, which is never the case.

It’s been either that the OP clarifies that when someone asks that you are in support of Role-Play (I’m suspecting this is usually a lie to cover their own tracks, but I’m not invested in finding that out so it gets a pass) or go into this strange defensive and haughty position of who has the right to dictate what, who can play on AD, why Role-Players shouldn’t ask others to be RPers on an RP realm and a tirade of other meaningless trash rhetoric meant to troll those who post here or to drag out a recruitment thread.

Your focus is irrelevant. You not seeing what plays out in every single thread of every guild that’s basically a clone of yours is your ignorance and then the consequent defence of said ignorance. It’s tiresome and silly.

That said, good luck with your recruitment, have fun catching up to what pugs have been doing for the past month, don’t be a dumb collective of OOCers that poach raiders from other realms to transfer here for progress and ultimately respect the official ruleset of the realm’s tag and keep true to it, because debating it on this forum will just result in you getting slamdunked by the forum regulars who have been doing so for years.

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