[A] [PvE/RP] < Braveheart > - Recruiting for Shadowlands (and beyond)! ✨

Update as of 13/12:

Last night was the second night of our Castle Nathria runs and we managed to conquer Artificer Xy’mox, Hungering Destroyer and Lady Inverva Darkvein (and almost downed the Council of Blood before running out of time). All of our Restoration Druids (including myself) were very happy at getting our legendary memory drop! :grin:

Our aims for next week is to fully complete all bosses on Normal difficulty and begin our Heroic runs before we break for Christmas! :christmas_tree:

Update as of 14/12:

We’ve decided to open up our Discord server to all (no matter what realm you’re from) to expand our community and have a space for all, no matter what you’re interested in within the game or how much experience you’ve had - our server includes resources and a help channel, a general chat for people looking to make new friends as well as individual channels for PvE, PvP and RP

Join here - https://discord.gg/fcXuv6VsxP


Genuinely a lovely bunch of people! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Would highly recommend joining in, you’ll find a brilliant community.


Just throwing my hat into this community ring and just say that is easily one of the best communities I have been part of it! … Even if I have yet to dungeon/raid! :grinning:

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Update as of 18/12:

It’s week two of our Castle Nathria raids! We’re aiming to finish off all 10 bosses on Normal (for the extra gear of course!) before our Christmas break. After Christmas we will have a team prepared for running Heroic Castle Nathria (and maybe Mythic).

Unfortunately we forgot to take some pictures last week so we will be taking lots of pictures tonight and tomorrow so keep an eye out for those! :camera_flash:

Update as of 20/12:

We’re now taking a break from raids until the 8th of January to accommodate for Christmas and the New Year falling on our raid days. While we take our break, we’re opening back up raid recruitment for specific classes and specs only to maximise our roster.

There are currently spaces available for a:

  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Frost or Unholy Death Knight
  • Rogue (any spec)
  • Mage (any spec)
  • Warlock (any spec)

Get in touch if you think you can fill any of the roles listed above! :relaxed:

Update as of 21/12:

A quick update to our list - we’ve had a good response so far and looking to keep the momentum going! We’re now looking for a:

  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Frost or Unholy Death Knight
  • Rogue (any spec)
  • Warlock (any spec)

Merry Christmas to all :christmas_tree:! We at Braveheart hope you have a lovely day and you’re all thoroughly spoiled!

Still looking for the classes listed above, we’d also love to recruit social players to join our ranks, even if you only like to chat and not interested in endgame content

Update as of 3/1:

Firstly we’d like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year from everyone at Braveheart! We hope that 2021 is a good year all around, both in real life and in the Warcraft universe :slightly_smiling_face:

We will be resuming our regular raids next week on the 8th and 9th of January with a brand new raid team! We’ve had a trial run during our break and we’re raring to go to progress through as much of Castle Nathria as we can. We’re still on the hunt for an Enhancement Shaman and a Rogue (any spec) to join us so please get in touch if you’re interested in joining.

Update as of 7/1:

We’re just a day away from resuming our regular Castle Nathria raids! In the meantime, we’ve been doing lots of m+ and working on some exciting new plans for Braveheart in 2021. Still recruiting socials and roleplayers as well as the classes listed above for our raid team :blue_heart:

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Update as of 10/1:

We kicked off our regular Castle Nathria runs on Friday and Denathrius is down! We will be starting heroic raiding soon and hoping to continue where we left off. We even caught some cool footage of our raid nights (including tank and healer cams) which we will hopefully share soon!

Keep an eye on this space as we have a couple of other announcements happening shortly.

Update as of 16/1:

We did some more normal raiding on Friday to boost our raid teams gear and managed to get 10/10N and 1/10HC! We will be back next week to push more HC bosses and get Denathrius down (again) once and for all.

We’re still on the hunt for an Enhancement Shaman so if you’re lurking, get in contact with us! Our discord is still open to anyone so please feel free to join and get involved :blue_heart:

Update as of 30/1:

We’ve been busy bees and managed to fill up some more of our raid team with some fresh faces - this weekend’s progression now puts us at 10/10N and 3/10HC :relaxed:

Our discord server is also growing nicely with lots of new people joining us for a laugh and even to join in some content, our discord invite link is at the bottom of the main post if you’re interested in joining in!

Update as of 14/2:

We would love to wish everyone a very happy Valentine’s Day! :blue_heart:

This weeks progression (our first doing only heroic raids) allowed us to down Artificer Xy’mox which puts us up to 4/10HC! We’re looking forward to progressing more, and getting Denathrius down once again

Update as of 28/2:

We are officially 7/10 HC in Castle Nathria! We’re hoping to have Denathrius smashed (again) very soon!

We’re also progressing nicely with rerolling over on Classic in time for the release of The Burning Crusade so if you also play classic, check out our post here. We have a couple of other Braveheart-related projects in the works at the moment so keep an eye out! :blue_heart:

Update as of 25/3:

Giving this a friendly little nudge as we haven’t had many updates recently. We have been updating the OP with current progression in Castle Nathria as well as an adjustment of our raiding days, from Friday and Saturday evenings to Wednesday and Friday (7-11pm ST) in time for the next tier :blue_heart:

Keep an eye out as we will be opening recruitment for a limited number of roles for the new raid which will be released with 9.1!

Update as of 6/4:

We have officially finished progression for this tier, after defeating HC Denathrius - our aims now are to complete the Glory of the Nathria Raider achievement and prepare for the next tier!

We would like to thank all of our guildies and our raid team for being so amazing and perservering through our progress, we’ve had an amazing run this tier and we’re looking forward to smashing more content this expansion :blue_heart:

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