[A] [PvP] [ Your Death Sentence ]

Hello Adventurers !

I am the Guildmaster of the PvP Guild “Your Death Sentence” and looking for active Players to make Azeroth more safe.

“YDS” is not a new Guild, in the past We (me) was active on the “Al Akir server” and dominated World PvP for very long time. Now i want to try my luck on this Classic Server again and Rise up with YDS !

In the past we had over 300 Members, right now we are just a small Guild and have not many 60´s .

Our Maingoal is World PvP and we will do daily Evening Hunting Tours to gain PvP Ranks. After P3 hits we will do mainly Battlegrounds.

We dont have that many Rulez , we just wanna have Fun and make some Hunting Tours together, at Evening on a Daily Basis.

If you are interested to join us or want some more Information >>> Just gimmi a whisper in game :slight_smile:

Everyone is Welcome :slight_smile:


YDS movie´s from our WSG Premades | Al Akir Server (2010)

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lol clicker


i missed that :wink:

sometimes i click, sometimes i play just with keyboard, aslong i pew pew you it doesnt matter or ?

welcome on my Bounty list

wait a clicker lol explains why u play lock luuul


very Funny , its sad that after soooo many Years people like you still exists.

Haters stay Hatering, and idiots like you will never change … im praying for all of you “clicker debatte” guys , if you have nothing else to do. to tell people how they should play, please re roll a other game !

if you still have problem, contact me and lets 1vs1 in the Gurubashi Arena comprende ?

must be sad when you get owned by a clicker :wink:

Hahahahahaha clicker.


Lol! Clicker with his clickies running a pvp guild lol!


Kids, the clicker debatte is getting old !

The PvP Guild YDS and me have arrived so many Goals in PvP , some of you will never reach! We had none clickers and clickers in the Guild … let everyone play how he want !

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Hail Pointer of The Cusror,

Your tales of success have sparked my curiosity and I simply must know more!

Please list chronologically these amazing Feats of pvp excellence you achieved while clicking.

Also, as I seek to learn more of the fabled Click God, may I hear your backstory for the name THEUNDERTAKA??

Kind regards,
Keybinding Vagabond


JESTAHR … go to Hell … !


Fascinating, you even click an on screen keyboard to communicate. A true savant!

i can click your chick better :wink:

I’ve heard of being cucked, but I never thought I would become clicked.

I will alert my Chick regarding this development and say my goodbyes.

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astalavista goodbye !

Is this post a… Drums… CLICKBAIT?!

Sorry, couldn’t resist with all the click-related comments going on… :sweat_smile:


Seriously, I click on this forum post expecting some good jokes… but this is dreadful.

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