International, English speaking , Family and Work Friendly, “play smart not hard”.
Recruiting for Cataclysm Classic - Firelands
Who are we?
A mix of vanilla/bc veterans (some getting long in the tooth) and friends picked up along the naughty server and more recently Classic era that love the original games design; looking to expand our company with like-minded people. A lot of our folks have jobs and/or families so our playstyle is tailored to make good use of available time. All experience levels welcome, we’ll guide you along the way if you are a wow newbie.
What can you expect from us?
- A plan for all phases to get through content with minimum busywork and max progress / fun.
- A stable drama-free guild environment fully transparent on goals and function. You’ll never be blindsided with adhoc decisions or not know what’s coming next.
- A competently run Discord / Guild Hub, daily and weekly guild activities and all the tools to facilitate getting informed and participating.
- Social events, help with professions.
- Monty Python and Douglas Adams jokes (but always up for some quality/effort memes)
Where can you find us?
In-game at EU Pyrewood Village Alliance PvE Realm /who g-Bastion
and ask for Council or the [Bastion Discord]
We are an adult guild. Less in the PEGI18 sense (could happen occasionally) more in the low tolerance to salt / angst.
We try to keep to the spirit of the Classic mmorpg, we do not promote organized boosting or pay to gear in the guild. An adventuring company not a corporation.
- Try to leave your RL bothers at the login screen.
- Get involved with guildies.
- Your solo time is yours, but be dependable after committing to an official guild activity.
- Represent the guild ethos on the realm.
- Have fun
Our overarching goal is to clear highest difficulty / size content available in a timely manner. Lower sizes and difficulties for off-day, catchup, casual fun.
Keeping our Classic/BCC/Wrath momentum going into Cataclysm on a strictly 2 day 6hr (total) schedule.
Not aiming at breaking speed clear records but we get our clear times down to a comfortable level and take all measures they stay there.
- Raid days and times are currently Wednesday and Sunday evening.
- Loot System is mainspec over offspec, ties resolved with EPGP.
- Loot rules for Alliance / PuG raids on our Discord.
- Gear/ Consumable / Playstyle expectations for raid content also on our Discord (reasonable minimums are set depending on highest content available).
- Our main focus is PvE but we will get involved with the realm community and participate or run the occasional opt-in PvP event.
Social / Levelling friends always welcome (could turn to raiding partners down the road)
See you in-game