[A] Pyrewood Village <Forgot to Repair> recruiting to start HM's!


Forgot to Repair is recruiting!

we’re a 25m raiding guild searching our last key members for the roster. Our aim is to have the best possible raiding environment, and we have heavy focus on having fun and clear communication. We strive towards having as open comms as possible, and look for members that are willing to share their opinions be it about leading, boss kills, other members etc.

Our search right now is focused upon the following class/specs:
Please not these are not final and we will consider any exceptional player.

Our Progress
Right now we are staring into the face of Yogg-Saron. We cleared all other bosses but Yogg & Algalon, and are slowly transitioning towards Hardmodes.

Hit us up in-game or on discord for a chat:

Nick / Guild Master
Nick#1548 (Discord)
Warlorne (In-game name)

Whodatboy recruitment officer
Whodatboy#5150 (discord)
Whodatboy (In-game name)

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