(A) QuantiumBase is recruiting! 8/8 BWL

QuantiumBase is an Alliance social guild that focuses on raiding.
The guild was founded in the early days of Classic and we have members from a wide variety of European nations. We are currently preparing for Ahn’Qiraj and we have MC, ZG, BWL and Ony on a weekly farm.

Raid Times:

  • Thursday 20:00 server/CEST - MC + ONY
  • Friday 20:00 server/CEST - BWL
  • Saturday 20:00 server/CEST - ZG
  • Additional ZG, Ony and (in the future) AQ20 runs at various times.

We are currently looking for:

  • Priests. Both DPS and Heal. Dwarfs preferred.
  • Any DPS.
  • Druids. Any role, except DPS feral.

Also accepting exceptional players of any role, except for deep protection warriors.


  • Understanding English is easy for you.
  • You are 18 years or older.
  • You are respectful to other people, this includes people from outside the guild.
  • We have some mandatory addons you will need to use.
  • You are already level 60, this is not a leveling guild.

We are a semi-hardcore DKP raiding guild.
That means that if you want to take raiding seriously without spending too much time on getting every single buff and consumable, then this is the guild for you.

Of course, this does still mean we want to get the easy worldbuffs like the ONY/BWL, ZG, Darkmoon faire and songflower buffs. And to use basic consumables like, for example, Elixir of the mongoose for melee. However, we are not here to break speed records and to enforce strict consumables/buffs rules on one another.

If you are interested or if u have any questions, feel free to contact:

  • Dingolicious | Discord: Mongo the Barbarian#5982 - Also speaks Swedish.
  • Alteritus | Discord: Zoidberg#9955 - Also speaks Dutch.
  • Leti | Discord: Leti#0401 - Also speaks Bulgarian.
  • BigSwordMan | Discord: Aceofspades(Big)#1623 - Brexit.
  • Bikker | Discord: Unadeli-Bikker#7923 - Also speaks Dutch.
  • CheetosHands | Discord: CheetosHands#3177 - Also speaks Dutch.
  • Revron | Discrod: Revron#3889 - Also speaks Greek.
  • Tildox | Discord: TildoX#5644 - Also speaks Swedish and Polish.
  • Leny | Discord: Leny#3395 - Also speaks Bulgarian.

Please give us up to 24h to respond.

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