A quick talent point swap idea TWW

Hi all,

I’ve noticed a very quick talent tree change that could benefit casting Druid specializations for TWW.

Swapping “Killer Instinct” positioning with “Instincts of the Claw” would allow Balance and Resto Druids to pick up their utility and survivabilty talents without effectively wasting 2 talent points and it wouldn’t affect Feral or Guardian Druids at all as they’ll want all 4.

This change would benefit pvp players most of all as they tend to use moonkin form for mana regen rather than cat, for pve purposes it wouldn’t make a difference as i believe cat is the standard.


I agree 100% that the position of Instincts of the Claw if absolutely horrible, however, I don’t see how your proposed swap would change anything since neither Killer Instinct nor Instincts of the Claw have any benefit for balance druids.

Killer Instinct provides a slight armor buff making it not a complete waste for both Balance and Resto, especially Balance since survivability can be an issue.

IOTC however provides only physical damage so is useless unless you’re resto and running cat/bear form mana regen setup. In pvp I believe you’re more inclined to run moonkin form so you don’t have to put yourself in the mix.

Yeah I guess you gain a little bit of armor though physical damage isnt that much of a problem in pve. It might be nice for pvp, I am unsure how valueable 6% armor is (since it doesnt scale linear) but it’s better than nothing.
As Resto, you can’t go into Moonkin anymore in TWW, the physical damage and armor might help for pvp though.

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Yeah you’re right, I actually forgot about Moonkin form!

And yes the armor is more important in pvp than pve. In pve cat form is better for mana regen but in pvp it was Moonkin form and wrath spamming but now it’s just wrath alone I believe.

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