[A] Raiding Rascals, non-guild raidgroup

Alliance Silvermoon EU
A bunch of friends from all over the place combined their strenghts getting back into 9.1
We wanna check the waters first, heading into the raid without guild commitments
Raiddays will be Tuesday / Thursday 20:00-23:00 (19:45 Invites going out)
If we progress further and further we might change things up by gathering everyone under 1 banner, but for now everyone can stick with their current guild.
Raiding Rascals already has been created as guild on Silvermoon, so if you are guildless you’re more then welcome to join!

To make clear, even tho we will not be within a guild, we expect people to behave as it is a guildraid. Being online in time, prepared on both Consumables as Knowledge etc.
Besides that the main focus is having decent, friendly but skilled players together.

Currently we are a group of 9 people, in need of a Tank and one more Ranged DPS
For the tankspot we rather not get another Brewmaster Monk
For the Ranged DPS spot a mage or Spriest would be amazing.
We are definitely open for other new recruits in any role or specc!

As gameplan, we will be clearing Normal in week 1 so we have seen the fights.
After our first clear we will commit to Heroic.
Currently our Focus will be in getting Heroic down, but with all of our Mythic experience we are definitely open minded for mythic afterwards if we get the numbers.

For more questions feel free to add me
Btag: Warchief#21366
Disc: Mazzarache (Nicky)#9817