This story begins in the Super Happy Magic Forest, where everybody enjoys picnics, fun and frolics all year round! Five brave heroes were chosen. Everybody agreed that they were the bravest in all the land. With barely enough time to pack a picnic, the heroes began their epic quest!
(This is the bit where you come in!)
They set off to find fellow brave heroes, to battle through frozen fields, against cunning and fearsome creatures. Conquer dungeons and raids that tested their skills to the limit! Occasionally stopping for picnics.
We are SHMF, we are a relaxed, friendly, super happy fun guild for anyone who wants to make some friends and enjoy World of Warcraft. We have no interest in Mythic raiding. We have previously and would get to the last couple of mythic bosses each tier but in all honesty, we are not that brave anymore (players can be scary, angry, little monsters).
We just want to clear heroic each tier, do some mythic plus, farm some achievements and mounts, maybe a bit of PvP and just enjoy ourselves. We are a group who have played together for several years; most of us are in our 30s with some older and some younger. Our aim is to grow a community of players that would like to achieve AOTC/KSM each tier/season that are friendly, for new and old players, sociable, and helpful to one another.
Although we plan to raid heroic only in the future tiers, we are not raiding now. As we have just moved over to Alliance, we have not filled our roster yet, so recruitment is open to all classes and specs! We have a brave and mighty core of 5 and are looking for those that to want join our epic quest. We do not ask for lots of raiding experience or logs, we just ask that you are a friendly person that wants to play in a relaxed environment. We do not have a trial period; you will join us as a New Friend and venture on up to Best Friend when we get to know you a little better and vice versa.
If this sounds like your cup of tea get in touch! /who SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST you can whisper myself or pretty much anyone in the guild, reply here or use Discord. If you just want a social place to play and do not want to raid or M+ that is absolutely fine. If you would like to raid next tier with us let us know so we can make sure you’d fit in our roster <3
Lysselle#9504 (Discord)
Lysselle#2351 (
What we are: Group of friends looking for more friends to raid HC and M+ with. With the occasional achievement/transmog/social event.
What we are not: SUPER SERIOUS MYTHIC RAIDERS… or funnily enough an RP guild.