I am new to Ravencrest, and I am looking for a new home.
I play all the healer classes: Disc Priest, Holy Priest, Shaman, Paladin, Druid, Monk, in that order of competence, and I really love M+. Frequently running 18s-20s at the moment, and hoping to do better. So far, 2.2k+ score on the priest and shaman, close to it on the others. My raid progress was on the priest 3M and 4th to 30%.
I am very much a healer main, but willing to explore offspecs for flexibility after the next patch (when we can switch covenants).
I am not really into PvP, sadly.
Please contact me in this thread if you are a mid-mythic guild needing a healer : I am willing to play any of them and they are all geared ~240-247.
Willing to share logs and rio.
Ideal raid nights would be Wed & Thurs, but that is negotiable.
Guild & Server: One More - Draenor - Horde
Language(s): English
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 20:00-23:00 Server Time
Current Progression: 5/10M SoD
Recruitment Contact Discord: Jace#6555
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/draenor/One+More
Guild Description: We are a happy band of guys and girls and it really is an enjoyable atmosphere in our raids. No matter what happens i have yet not seen anyone tilt or lash out. We trash talk a lot in between pulls and value socialising in a calm environment but also focus up when progressing. If you’re looking for a place to just be a raid logger this isn’t it. We play tons of other games together as well.
Looking for: WW and MW Monk, Any Priest spec can work, Holy/Ret Paladin, Warlock. Any decent player has our interest.
Hello! I am the guild leader of Extremely on Ravencrest. We are currently 4/10 with good progress on Soulrender as well. We have a non-toxic, non-drama environment, and basically the guild is more like a family. We are looking for another healer to join us (preferably not a priest to be honest, shaman would be our most needed really, with maybe a druid as second preference). You can add me on discord and we can chat a bit more if you wish! Liv#8207
Thanks for the reply, Dwarfsun. I am sent you a request and an application on the in game interface. Chat soon. 
Hey Saxabra!
The Gauntlet [A] are looking for a disc priest or hpala (or maybe a restoshaman) for our mythic raiding team. We raid on sun + tue 8-11 pm and are currently 4/10 M progressing on Soulrender. We also have a few players doing high mythics, around +20 keys.
We are friendly bunch who enjoy playing together and care for each other, and are always happy to bring along new faces
We expect everyone to prepare well and maintain their characters, to be able to push as far into mythic as we can with the team at hand.
We are not at Ravencrest but we run a community for our raiding with players on other realms/other guilds who are frequently raiding with us but havnt joined the guild for various reasons. So if you want to stay on ravencrest for the time being, that would work for us 
If you have any questions please let me know, or search for “The Gauntlet Raid” in the community finder and just apply and we will find you there!
Bets Regards,
Frida - Haltastic
Hey! You sound like you might be a great fit for our guild Impaired, we are an Alliance guild on Ravencrest EU. We achieved 7/10 Mythic Castle Nathria after coming into 9.0 late. We are currently 4/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination working on Soulrender next. The goal this tier is Cutting Edge while keeping a fun atmosphere in our raids with no place for elitism. We are a more mature guild with the average player age around 27-28. We actively try to run Mythic+ with the majority of our current roster having achieved Shadowlands Keystone Master Season 1 and 2.
You can read more about our guild here; [a][ravencrest] <impaired> - new 2 day raiding guild - #11 by Nuaik-ravencrest. If any of this sounds interesting to you please message Brukerr on Discord Brukerr#1325 or Battle.net Brukerr#2705.