[A] [Ravencrest] Hunter LF New Home


Experienced BM hunter, ilvl 249 LF semi hardcore raiding guild - 2 nights a week, Monday to Thursday on Ravencrest. Might consider changing faction but I’m not overly keen tbh. Plenty of logs to look at if you’re genuinely interested in me, just search my toon - Agns.

Add me FCar#2556 for a chat if you like ?

Only looking for an actively raiding guild with a functional roster, so if you’re running a bit of a ‘project’ then it’s not of much interest

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey mate
I’ve added you on battlenet, Caratascus #1346

We are a 4/10 not-quite-semi hardcore raiding guild. We raid mon + wednesday 8-10:30

This is our wow forums post

Hope to hear from you

Hey, thanks, never got the request though - but as you’re not on Ravencrest it makes life a bit difficult as I’m not overly keen to give those crooks at Blizz any more of my money for a realm transfer

It says my request is pending :slight_smile:

I understand not wanting to pay the money for the transfer with the current situation, but I guess 9.1 will go on a long time, so cross-realm, is for us at least, a good option

Still looking and available on Ravencrest - sorry Caratanis, I really don’t want to give Blizz any more of my money !