[A] Recruiting for our high performance semi-casual team!

BlackSheepWall is recruiting to strengthen our semi-casual raid team. Even as a casual guild, we have been running two raid groups since october, and are now looking to step it up for AQ40. We have gathered our most dedicated players in one team, looking for likeminded people to fill our remaining slots. This team will be raiding twice a week, working to achieve smooth raids and good parses in a serious, but banter-friendly environment.


  • Able to raid twice a week (Wednesday 19:45-23:00 + Sunday 19:15-23.00 server time)
  • Willing to receive and follow instructions
  • Good performance (average parse of 80+ for a general idea)
  • Team player, working for the “we” and not the “me”.

Loot rules during recruitment: Softres, 1 item for showing up with minimum requirements, one additional item res is given if coming fully buffed and with all consumes.

Loot rules with full roster: EPGP with class/role priority on BIS items, MS>OS on the rest.

Open slots:

  • 2 Holy paladins
  • 1 Resto druid
  • 1 Hunter
  • 2 Warlocks
  • Any high performer

For more information or a good chat, send a message to Ronswanson, Wentworth or me :slight_smile: You can add me on Discord as Matt/Deathzone#2968 or on Battle.Net as Cakelickz#2357.

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